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You pov

I finished my egg and went to look for Gon. I found him with Killua. I ran over to go and put my arms protectivly around him

"Hhhhiiiiiissssss he is my sinimin bun"I hissed

"Ummmmmm (*-*)"

We stood there in awkward silence until.....

"Well k bbiiiieeee"I yelled

I ran of into.......... well I don't know.

We soon got back into the floaty thingy and we was all like pesheewww to the next site. Well I decided that I wanted to look around and find something interesting to do in my free time on here. I found  Hisoka building a card house and thought it would be perfuct if I messed it up. I waited till he put the last card on and walked over a pushed it over like a boss.

"*pouts*foxy why would you do that to me"

"I don't know I just felt like it."

All of a sudden i was pulled into Hisoka's lap.


He didn't answer he just nestled his head head back of my neck.


Sorry for the present short chapters. I have not been my best.....to be honest cindove depressed........but I'm fine. I will keep updating as mutch as I can don't worry😁

Hisoka x reader  My Precious FoxWhere stories live. Discover now