Chapter 2

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Azaan pov

After attending all meeting i went to home cause i was exhausted.

At home

"Assalamualikum dad and mom" i said and went upstair for changing. After changing i went downstair.

"Azaan lets eat dinner" mom said

"Yeah mom" i said and kiss her

"Azaan did you remember what i have said you earlier" dad said

"What dad??" i said

"I knew it" he said and make a puppy face

"Dad i was kidding say what you wanna say" i said

"Azaan you are 24 and a hardworking bussiness man so we want you to get married" he said

"Marriage dad? i'm not ready yet" i said

"I know bete but please try to understand we are growing old and we want to see your marriage " he said

"Ok dad" i said

"So from tommorow i'm gonna find my daughter in law" mom said while clapping her hands

"No need of that  i have a girl in my mind she is my friend daughter zaniya" he said

"Whatt???" i said

"Dad you already selected a girl" i said in shock

"Yeah dear" he said

And we all ate food in silence i was thinking of her...

After having food i help mom in washing dishes...

"Azaan listen" dad said

"Yes" i said

"Azaan don't go to office tomorrow we are going to zaniya house" he zaid

"Zaniya???" i said

"Ohh you forgot your future wife zaniya" he said

"Sorry" i said

"Hmmm b we are going to her house she is my friend daughter" he said

"Ok" i said


Zaniya pov

How are you i still remember our first meeting

I know you didn't saw me...

But i saw you, you walk infront of me that was the first time i saw you. Still now i remember your face, your attitude.

I like your height your hair

I like your hair it bounce when you walk...

I must say you walk so fast i mean seriously

Whenever i go outside my eyes search for you...

I like your smirk and most important your smile....

I hate when girls stare at you...

I always stare at your picture i never fell bore looking at you...

"Zaniya zaaaniiiyaaaaaaaaa" my bro said i mean yawar

"Bhaiiiii yessss" i said

"Zaniya dad wanna talk to u" he said

"Acha listen i gonna miss you" he said

"Kiu (why) where am i going??" i said

"Go dad is calling you" he said

I was confused and went downstair..

"Assalamualikum" i said

"Walaikummusalam" dad said

"Zaniya listen no more argument i want possitive answer i want you to get married dear you are 20 so try to understand" he said

"But dad" i said

"Please zaniya" he said

"Ok dad" i said

"Acha listen they are coming Tommorow so be ready " he said and left.

I was sitting on same position tears were rolling down my cheek i don't wanna marry. I just want to marry him he is my life he is my everything. I know i just met him once but i don't wanna marry anyone.. I just want to be his.

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