The Standard Of Hierarchy

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The agitation of being crushed into the snow by hands, multiple sets pushing, holding the Wild in her place, has a low toned warning growl of her unhappiness vibrate outwards into the daytime sky. Desperately she tries to get her legs underneath her, to seek to push her hind legs upwards, to shake off the body that's draped over the top of them. Another body pushes it's weight on her, trying to get the Wild to stop on her destructive path forward.

"Let her go; I have no problem doing what you could not, Odin." Alpha Borson's balancing on the balls of his feet. A weight of a body shifts off creating breathing room for the Wild to try and fix herself properly once again.

"Odin, enough!" Luki's voice hammering into the Wild's ear, the sound still rings long after the words are said. The blood from Odin's loss of flesh still drip aggressively down his arm, the metallic taste is thick in the air from multiple bleeding bodies.

Odin's space devours into his father's. The shadow is fully covering over Alpha Borson's presence. Both males are posturing their unhappiness towards the other. This moment between father and son heightening, stretching, its rolling forward in grand momentum.

The Wild violently fights the crushing grips of her captures; she intends to stand with her Half in a show of solidarity. Hind legs finally finding a grip she raises her back up, front paws clawing forward, dragging the ants along her path towards her Half, her underbelly dragging in the blood of others. Until she is at Odin's feet, raising up with a magnitude of determination.

Nothing can stop the Wild from standing with her mate. Nothing, not the bodies clinging to her, not the teeth of the Alpha, nothing will stop her to seek vengeance for what this male has taken away from her male.

Hierarchy in the Wild's mind begins with her, so untamed is her Nature that Odin has no choice but to stop his posturing towards his father to calm the Wild down.

Flash of Fang, lifted lip.

She is provoking, antagonizing, screaming out towards Alpha Borson's Wild to do something, anything to her. His jacket pulls off his body, along with his shirt, old tattoos create the canvas of art that Odin also wears. He holds the seven symbols along his forearm, Odin now hold's only six, that's the difference between father and son.

The wind starts to gust around the clearing, causing the barren branches of the trees to raise up and down as if singling for all of this to cease before Nature comes barrel in with her force that is hard to stand against.

Another furious display of teeth showcases the Wild's war towards this Alpha who has brought her very Nature to the forefront. RIdge fur bristling, rising, stiff leg posturing. This is without control; she cannot be reigned in, she cannot be handled in any way.

The atmosphere is deteriorating, becoming thinner, harder to breathe because the power of her just keeps growing, crushing the marrow of who I am.

Odin's fingers are in the scruff of fur around her neck, her head turns towards him, brushing her cheek against his arm, displaying affection only for him. He illicit deep seeded wants within her very structure. When he pulls the Wild back, she will not move, she will not budge from her spot. Rising up, puffing herself to become bigger, thicker, fiercer than any Wild here.

She is the standard of Hierarchy, now.

Odin's whole body is pulling her backward, attempting to control her path toward the Alpha is who not backing down. He holds his spot, cunning eyes watching the moment of her, while eyes of the Wild stalk her prey. Odin's blood saturating into her fur, causing a madness wrap around her being.

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