The signs when the power goes out

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Aries ♈️: swears loudly and runs around frantically trying to find a light

Taurus ♉️: lays on the floor and hopes for the best

Gemini ♊️: laughs... Until they remember that the Internet is down too

Cancer ♋️: shrugs and goes back to sleep

Leo ♌️: leaves the house and goes out until the power comes back

Virgo ♍️: pulls out their generator and charges their phone

Libra ♎️: grabs a candle and uses the opportunity to draw/write something they've been meaning to

Scorpio ♏️: moves around the house scaring the living shit out of their family

Sagittarius ♐️: runs around the neighborhood trying to film a pretend survival video

Capricorn ♑️: calls the electric company, the weather channel and their friends to figure out what the fuck is happening

Aquarius ♒️: tries to "fix it" by attaching a coat hanger to the roof and waiting for lightning

Pisces ♓️: find their pet and cuddles with them

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