The signs as AVPM quotes

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~ requested by @watretribe

Aries♈️: "Come on, I'm tired. Can't we just be Death Eaters?" (Draco)

Taurus♉️: "You guys, go get snacks. Oh shit we barricaded the door." (Ron)

Gemini♊️: "Oh my God, I have to fight a goat? I don't think I can do that morally... *later* Oh my god I have to fight a dragon!! I can't do that I'm just a little kid!" (Harry)

Cancer♋️: "I WANT HERMIONE GRANGER! And a rocketship..." (Draco)

Leo♌️: "Yeah, Hermione, I'm the boy who lived. Not died. God. (Harry)

Virgo♍️: "Good! I'll be in the drawing room, painting a picture of the stupid looks on your faces." (Snape)

Libra♎️: "Hahaha, hahaha. Now you're just being cute. I can't GO to Pigfarts, Potter. It's ON MARS. You need a rocketship. Do you have a rocketship, Potter? I bet you do. You know, not all of us inherited enough money to buy out NASA when our parents died. Look at this! Look at this! It's Rocketship Potter! Starkid Potter! Moonshoes Potter! Traversing the galaxy for intergalactic travels to Pigfarts!" (Draco)

Scorpio♏️: "GO HOME TERRORIST!" *To Quirrell* (Draco)

Sagittarius♐️: "I don't want my life to be like Spider-Man 3, I hated that movie." (Harry)

Capricorn♑️: "Hermione Granger, shut your ungodly, lopsided mouth and quit interrupting. 20 more points. God... for the cleverest witch of your age you really can be a dumbass sometimes. Ten points to Dumbledore!" (Dumbledore)

Aquarius♒️: "Tom Riddle, Mary Riddle, Thoms Riddle... Riddle me this, eh, Potter?" (Cedric Diggory)

Pisces♓️: "Pigfarts, Pigfarts, Here I come. Pigfarts, Pigfarts, Yum, Yum, Yum..." (Draco)

~I made this one~

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