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Makih's POVA week had went by since the accident and Bella was in the hospital still sleep from everything that happened to her

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Makih's POV
A week had went by since the accident and Bella was in the hospital still sleep from everything that happened to her. Makih been by her side the whole time trying not to cry and be strong for her. He was glad the kids wasn't there to witness none if this but he felt like it was his fault. Maybe if he had stayed at home and let her go out of town instead then none of this would of happened to her. He wanted Bella to wake up and tell him who did it because the last thing he ever wanted was to see her hurt in anyway. But rape was a whole other story for him he was out for blood and didn't care who he was. Gladly that Makih felt like something wasn't right that night so he called Bella only to just go to voicemail back to back. He hopped on the first flight back. When we got to the house the door was wide open he called and called out Bella's name but didn't get a reply back so he went looking for her to only find her in the bed with her towel on the floor and blood in between her legs and bruises on her face with hickeys all over her body. He couldn't believe someone would do something like this to his fiancé. He hasn't slept the whole week because he didn't want anything to happen to her. He just couldn't take seeing her like this.

Star's POVWhen Star found out what happened to her bestfriend she cried her eyes out and was on the next flight back to Atlanta with her husband by her

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Star's POV
When Star found out what happened to her bestfriend she cried her eyes out and was on the next flight back to Atlanta with her husband by her. When she got there she broke down into sobs as she seen her friend laying lifeless in the bed unable to answer her. She stayed in the hospital for three days until her husband and Makih convinced her to leave and get herself together. She felt like it was her fault that she left her bestfriend that night when she felt like she should of stayed with her that night none of this would of happened. She couldn't sleep knowing that her friend was in a hospital bed suffering from something like this.

Bella POV
I woke up to bright ass lights in my face and something heavy on the my right side. I looked over to see Makih laying next to me in a hospital bed. I barely could see anything, I didn't know why I was even in a hospital bed until everything came flashing back to me. I couldn't believe I went through some like that. My eyes started to water and next thing I know I was crying, I tapped Makih to wake him up. He woke up in alert thinking something was happening

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