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"We got ourselves in trouble by visiting a time we were told not to," Mick continued to explain.

"1942?" Nate more stated than questioned, beginning to understand the importance of what Mick was saying. The man grunted, taking another swig of his beer. "Who told you not to go to 1942?"

"Some guy in a hood named... Rex Tyler. Said if we set foot in 1942 we'd be all screwed, and then he just vanished," Mick explained, causing Callie to sigh again.


"Okay, if he told you not to go to 1942, then why'd you go?" She asked, her and Oliver both rolling their eyes at the stupidity of the team.

He continued to tell the story, before noting that Sara and Rip had discovered a large abnormality.

"Wait, what wasn't possible?" Nate asked, cutting him from his train of thought.


"You said you and the Legends discovered an aberration in 1942." Nate continued, sitting down on the chair directly beside Mick.

"What was it?" Callie asked, finally thinking this story might finally end.

"My guess is it involved Nazis." Oliver added, clearly not in the mood for the dramatic pauses.

"You could say that. The krauts nuked New York City in 1942," Mick explained.

He continued to explain how they were trying to hunt down Einstien's kidnappers - even throwing in about Sara's vendetta on Darhk taking over the mission slightly. Callie sighed, knowing that she was going to end up in the same route as Laurel if she didn't stop her vendetta against killing the man.

Mick explained that he was shot, continuing with how he ended up in the stasis by the ship.

"Okay, there's just one question that you haven't answered. Where's Captain Hunter?" Oliver asked, surprised they had eventually made it to the end of the long story about where the legends had ended up since the detonation of the bomb.

"I don't know. Must have time-scattered himself like the rest of them. Guess I gotta play hero and find them." Mick shurgged, finishing off his beer. He looked Callie up and down once more, causing the girl to scowl at him as she also finished off her beer.

"Do you even think this ship still flies?" Nate asked, looking around the broken and trashed ship in confusion.

"I don't see why not. Fridge works." Mick sassily replied, rolling his eyes.

"We don't have time to time travel, but if your team is stuck in history, who better to help find them than a historian?" Oliver started to say.

"This guy?" Mick scoffed, doubting he would be any help.

"Without Dr. Heywood you'd still be in stasis." Oliver remarked, knowing this was going to work out his way.

"Ah. Good point. Library, this way." Mick agreed, wandering off in the direction that they assumed the library must have been situated.

"Hey, wait. Time out. This was supposed to be a salvage mission." Nate whispered to Oliver, not sure if he was liking the way this was all working out.

"Who are you kidding? You've been waiting your whole life for a chance like this." Oliver laughed, turning to Callie. "Let's go."

Callie shook her head as they both rose to their feet. Placing a gentle hand on his arm, he knew instantly what she was going to say next.

"I promised Quentin. I couldn't save Laurel, but I can sure as hell save Sara," she whispered not loud enough for Nate to hear. Oliver sighed but placed a soft hand on her cheek. She was the only remaining part of his life before the island except from Sara and Thea.

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