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"Ah yes, speaking of restoring, where is little dearest Camilla?"

Callie moved from the shadows, her gun loaded as she pressed the cold metal to the back of his head. She could feel the speedster tense up for a second as he adjusted to the feeling on the back of his head. They both knew that the girl wouldn't hesitate to take the shot at all, even if the rest of her team thought she was better than that.

"Ready to shoot you the second I need to."

"Mm. Enjoy the brig, Eobard," Rip murmured, passing him over to Amaya and Callie as they went to lead him to the brig.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time," Amaya smirked, aware that he was the murderer of her friend.

"You aren't the only one," Callie murmured, lowering the gun as she pushed him down the corridor.


"It's hard to imagine that, when joined with their siblings, they're as powerful as God," Rip said to the legends that were huddled around the table in the room, Callie and Sara both holding their two pieces of the spear in their hands.

"But right now, that's just a useless piece of wood, "Jax sighed, looking at the two assassins flipping them over in their hands. Sara and Callie shot each other a look, knowing exactly what the other one was thinking about the pieces of wood.

"It's not useless," Sara murmured, throwing her piece to Callie and allowing the girl to hold both in her palms.

"I know ten different ways to kill somebody with this," the raven-haired girl told the rest of the team as she felt their weight. Her and Sara shared a small flirty smile while the rest of the team groaned at their interaction before Mick coughed from behind them.

The man was clutching his usual beer as he came to stand in between Callie and Sara, a grunt on his lips as he walked up the stairs to the small room. "Not to mention, it's great for scratching in those hard-to-reach places."

Everyone shared digested looks as Ray turned fully to face the man, a perplexed look on his face at what Mick was suggesting that he had done with their two pieces of the spear.

"Please don't tell me you used the Spear of Destiny as a back scratcher," the scientist said, praying that whatever was about to come out of Mick's mouth wasn't going to be the reason he even regretted asking in the first palce.

"Who said anything about my back?" Mick asked, taking a swig of his beer. Callie and Sara shared a look before they both instantly dropped the wood, Callie feeling almost ill at having held on to it for so long. Jax shot her a sympathetic look as she moved away from Mick and went to sit in the armchair at the side of the room.

"Well, as Mr. Rory has demonstrated, in the wrong hands, this divine artifact can be - put to truly horrific use," Stein summarised, looking around at the rest of the team while he tried to sound almost in control of the whole situation. Callie rolled her eyes slightly before looking to where Sara was now leaning on the table.

"Which is why I called this meeting, to figure out how to keep it out the Legion's hands," she agreed with Stein, ignoring that she could literally see Callie checking her out despite the heaviness of the situation they were currently in. Turning to raise an eyebrow at the girl, she shot her a warning look.

Callie raised her hands in defeat before looking around at the rest of the team as she took a sip of her water. "Where's Nate?"

The rest of the team looked around, surprised that they hadn't realised that the man of steel was not in the room when usually he would be the one leading the conversation. Callie almost felt bad at the fact it had taken them a while to notice his absence, but reminded herself that he had just witnessed the death of his grand-father.

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