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They all watched as Amaya held the spear tightly in her hand, her eyes almost glowing as she began to chant the Aramaic words they had learnt only an hour before. Callie stood up, her hand resting on her stomach where Snart had jammed his gun against her as she smiled, knowing that everything was about to be okay again.

Just as the spear began to glow in Amaya's hand, she gasped as a blue light shot out from around them all and smacked her in the stomach. Callie yelled out as she watched the thick ice spread around Amaya's body, her eyes connecting with Nate's just before they too glazed over.

"I am sorry about your friend, Mick. I know you loved her to pieces."

And with a flick of his finger, the frozen Amaya burst into tiny shards of glass that would never be able to be put back to place.


Callie felt herself grow cold as she witnessed her teammate being murdered in front of her. She could feel the anger that was stemming from the rest of the team and she didn't need to look to know that Nate was the most furious of them all. The others might not have known, but she was well aware of the affection that the couple shared for each other.

"Well, if you want something done right!" Snart said, breaking the silence as he reached down to pick up the spear that had fallen to the ground when he had shot Amaya. Callie glowered at the man as she moved her hand, her fingers resting against the dagger that was tucked into the waistband of her jeans.

"Well done, Leonard," Damien said, proud that they had once again worked out on top of the whole situation. He wasn't surprised at this however as they all knew the legends were a useless team of idiots and misfits.

"You bastard. I'll kill you all," Sara snarled, ready to rip his head off with her bear hands. It was one thing for them to have brainwashed Callie, but for them to actually have killed a member of her team? Oh, there was hell to pay for that.

"Actually, I believe that's my line," Snart went flying across the room as Thawne now clutched the spear in his hand again. He smirked at the legends and his former partners while he raised his hand to dangle the spear above the pit. "Now, where were we before I was so rudely interrupted?"

Callie knew what he was about to do before he did it. Maybe that's why she did what she did. Lunging forward, the girl swung her arm out just in time to catch the spear before it fell into the furnace from where the speedster had released it from his hand. She grinned, turning around to smirk at them all as they held their breath.

It happened quickly, but that was to be excepted from Eobard Thawne. One minute she was smirking at the team for somehow managing to prevent the destruction of the spear, and the next minute she was watching the spear go flying down the furnace before her. It took her a second before the pain kicked in and she released why she had released the spear.

Sara yelled loudly, the rest of the team making noises of surprise and anger as Callie stumbled backwards from the furnace, her back hitting against the floor as she screamed out in pain.

She hadn't released the spear. In fact, she was sure her hand was still clutched around it. The only issue was this: her hand was no longer attached to her body. The girl whimpered as Ray fell to the ground beside her, wrapping his jacket tightly around her bleeding stump of an arm as Thawne dropped the small dagger she had been clutching on the ground beside him.

"Well," the man said, brushing his hands together as he looked around at everyone who was glaring at him with undeniable hatred and anger. "I guess we're done here."

"You know the really swell thing about the Spear being destroyed?" Damien said, breaking the silence that had fallen - except from the yelps that were coming from Callie. Sara wanted to move and hold her, but she knew that there was nothing that she could do. Ray was the best one for her at this moment.

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