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"Hang on. I don't think she's an imposter," Rip said as he studied the way Sara's face moved under Nate's touch. "This is the genuine Ms. Lance, Ms. Merlyn and Mr. Jackson."

"W-what? But you told us never to revisit our past. Why would they do that? And where is Callie's OTHER ARM?" Ray asked, looking frantically between them all as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on.

"You'll have to ask them that."


"They almost made it off the ship with this," Stein said as he entered the room, the original team on his heels as they all filtered into the bridge of the Waverider. Callie eyed up the former version of herself, feeling a little emotional as she noticed the fully functional arm that rested at her side.

"All right," the original Sara began, looking across the table at the future team, ignoring the fact that there was only half of the team actually seeming to have been impersonated. "Who's wearing whose faces?"

"We are not the Legion. Believe it or not, we are actually future iterations of yourselves who've travelled back in time to prevent some form of calamity!" Rip sighed, throwing his hands in the air as he tried to convince the assassin that they were definitely not the legion. Callie could see herself looking at where her missing arm was with a slight snarl rested on her lips.

"Well, if any member of the Legion is missing a limb - which my father is," past Callie spat out the syllables, still angry about them brainwashing her to think that the team was the enemy, "he's clearly going to be the one impersonating me."

The teams were all silent as they watched both of the Merlyns glare across the room at each other, identical fires burning in their eyes as they tried to work each other out.

"I don't believe it," Sara said, ignoring Callie's remark. "Why would Rip Hunter break the first rule of time travel?"

Future Callie nodded slightly, understanding where Sara was coming from. Even though she hadn't spent as much time with the man as the rest of the team had, she knew that he wa certainly one for not breaking any rules when it came to inter-dimensional time travel.

"I'm asking myself the very same question," he muttered, rubbing at his face as he heaved a sigh of exhaustion.

As if matters weren't already worse enough, the doors to the bridge opened from behind Jax and they all watched as past Rip entered the room. Upon instantly locking eyes with his counterpart, they both groaned and released a swear from their mouths. Callie gripped on to Sara's arm to help her balance as the ship quaked beneath them, the girl finding it harder to maintain balance now that she only had one arm.

"What the hell was that?" Past Jax yelled, throwing his hands in the air and looking around at the rest of the team to see if anyone had an answer. Fortunately for the boy, both versions of Rip knew exactly what was occurring.

"It's a timequake," future Rip explained, with his counterpart finishing his sentence.

"The result of us interacting with ourselves."

"Well, that wasn't so bad!" Future Nate exclaimed, sharing a look with Callie who seemed less than impressed that he now had better balance than the assassin. He grimaced slightly, noticing that the bandages wrapped around the stub on her shoulder had began to faintly seep red again.

Moving forward and ignoring the gazes of the rest of the room, he reached out and pulled a fresh one from his pocket. Turning away from the past versions of the team, Nate quickly switched the bandages round, ramming the blood speckled one straight into his jacket pocket with the mental reminder to bin it later.

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