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Greetings, OME readers, both new and old!

As 'Open My Eyes' gains unforeseen traction, some time a couple years ago (yeesh, i've been procrastinating this for way too long)  I decided I wanted to revamp the story. It's already 6 years old at this point, and I've grown a lot as both a person and a writer in that time. And so, I've decided to do a complete rewrite!

Fear not, Iggy and Angela remain as lovable as always, if not more so. We get to see new sides of our beloved characters that were left unexplored in the original version, that I believe will make them more relatable than before.

I can't take credit for this idea, as it comes from iwearheelys  and their rewrite of 'When My Shift Ends'. But I liked the idea of keeping both the original version and the old version contained in a single work. So this'll be the format:


If you're wondering, "Am I reading an original chapter or a revised one?" look for the check mark beside the chapter title.

I'm really hoping that made sense....

And now, I encourage you to reread it if you loved the original version. I encourage you to reread it even if you didn't like the original version: the edited one may be more your speed! And to those who just joined us on this journey, I hope this "edited version" meets the expectations you had for 'OME' - and maybe exceeds those expectations?

With that said, enjoy! And, as always,

Hugs :3

Hugs :3

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