{Ch. 4} Theater Major ✓

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"Mystery. Solved. Boom!"

Kae chuckled. "Nice to see you too, Angie."

I smiled at his face on the screen of my phone. "Remember the guy at H and M that was really weird with his answers?"

He nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"I know for sure that he's a volunteer. But more than that, he's blind!"

His eyes went wide, and I could have sworn I saw the light flash on above his head. "Ah, so that's why his answers were always so weird. Well, that's cool." His eyebrows pulled together and his lips pursed. "'That's cool.' Is that the appropriate response when you learn someone can't see?"

I bent over, laughing. "I suppose so? But yeah. The mystery has been solved."

"Good. Any other mysteries to solve at H and M, Nancy Drew?" He grinned at me, eyes twinkling.

"Har har. Not yet. Maybe that's what I'll do with my copious amount of free time: solve nonexistent mysteries."

"Careful. That sarcasm could cut someone."

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't keep the smile off my face. "Okay, enough with me. What about you? Any developments with Dolly?" I waggled my eyebrows.

My eyes fooled me into seeing my brother's cheeks turn pink, and he shook his head at me. "We went out for coffee yesterday, but that's it."

"Is she an out-of-towner like you?"

"No, she was born and raised here."

I tilted my head. "What's she studying?"

"She's gonna be a veterinarian."

"Honorable profession."

Kae scratched absently at his nose. "Yeah, she loves animals. In fact, she wants to take me horseback riding with her one of these days."

I let out an abrupt laugh, snorting. "You? Horseback riding? I would pay to see that."

He glared at me. "I'll make sure we record the experience just for you."

"Thank you."

"Also, can I just say? Those scrubs are, um, one of a kind, Ang." He arched a brow at me, as though asking me why on Earth I would buy such fashion atrocities.

I sat up straight, holding my arms out to show off the cartoon teddy bears licking lollipops. "Don't they just scream my name? Like, are they not the epitome of everything I am and stand for?"

"They look like something a little kid drew."

"My statement stands."

He released a loud laugh, his head falling back. "Are you wearing rainbow socks with them?"

In a sorry attempt at yoga, I held my foot up for Kae to see. "Sadly, no. Just frog socks."

"Oh god."

"You're just jealous of my sock collection." I crossed my arms over my chest and held my head high.

"Mm, they would totally land me points with the ladies." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"If they don't support your sock choices, they aren't worth it."

"Why do our conversations always end up like this?"

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