{Ch. 20} Theory of Beauty ✓

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"Okay, so to summarize: Kae and I are having an affair, Niam and Will have a thing, and Angie and Dolly need to become secret lesbian lovers." Sam grinned, resting her elbows on the kitchen counter and lacing her fingers together.

I erupted into laughter. "It's the perfect plan!"

Kae shook his head and backed away. Pointing at us, he said, "I know neither of you, and I denounce you as my sister."

"Please, you can't deny the love we share, sweetums." Sam shot him a wink.

"And you're stuck with me." I made a face.

He crossed his arms. "I think it's time I told you. Ang, you're adopted."

I spun on the seat to face him and I smiled. "At least Mom picked me. She had no choice with you."

Kae lifted a fist, as though to flip me off, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

Sam rolled her eyes. "I swear, you two get along better when you're several states apart."

Kae and I shrugged at the same time, and I said, "Sounds about right."

We lapsed into silence, Sam and Kae playing on their phones while I continued to tie a bracelet for my growing collection of homemade jewelry.

"What're you guys' plans today?" Kae asked, setting his phone on the kitchen counter and glancing at us.

Sam shrugged. "I think Niam and I might be going out, but I can easily cancel that."

"Poor Niam." I jutted my bottom lip out.

"Tossed aside, neglected."

"Shut up." Sam shoved my brother, and he grinned.


"Gonna visit Vanessa. Why?"

Kae rubbed the back of his head, and Sam said, "Oooh, do you have plans with your girlfriend?"

He scowled at her but assented. "Yeah, actually. We're gonna play video games."

"That's gonna be an all-day thing," I told Sam.

She nodded.

"Especially since I have to instruct Dolly how to set everything up," Kae grumbled. "Her brother isn't exactly helpful."

Sam placed her hand on his shoulder. "Well, I wish you luck, good sir."


At Vanessa's gravesite, my steps slowed. Sitting upon the stone, hot beneath the undying sunlight, rested a bouquet of flowers already. Tears sprung to my eyes and I gave a quick laugh. Dandelions.

A glint caught my eye, and I noticed a cross dangling off a chain wrapped about the arm of the angel statue. I touched it, and it burned from its prolonged stay in the heat. My brows furrowed.

Vanessa had plenty of visitors. She had affected so many lives, after all. Every once in a while, I spotted her boyfriend from back then kneeling at her grave, a single rose in hand and a crestfallen expression. Sometimes, I even saw visitors place flowers at her grave or touch the angel with her arms outspread as though to encompass the galaxy.

However, this was the first time I had seen dandelions placed on her grave and a cross hanging from the statue. The dandelions were too specific to Vanessa for the mysterious visitor to be a mere stranger.

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