Chapter 9 See you soon

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~ Samantha ~

A day without Austin is like a gun without a bullet, a wallet without money, and a guitar without strings -- it is worthless, useless, and tragic.

My heart is like an unfinished puzzle and Austin is the missing puzzle piece. As cheesy as it sounds but the truth is that without him I am incomplete and I am nothing. You know how that feels?

It sucks.

24 hours without him sucks, what more if he's gone not just a month but for ten months. Ten long months without him. It shouldn't be hard because I was fine when we did not know each other but that all changed when we became official. It was like my life is not the same without him.

Being away with each other in a long time makes me wonder on what will happen to us. I don't really have a valid idea on what will happen knowing that I'm now pregnant.

What if something bad happens to me? Or what if something bad happens to the baby? Too many what if's are bothering me which makes me feel a bit dizzy.

I made my way to the couch and sit to compose myself as I waited patiently for Austin.

Today is the day for him to leave for the red tour. He told me the news the morning after he stayed the night.

After hearing the news, I felt happy, proud, and very excited for hime but at the same time I can't help but feel sad, worried, and scared.

I know that this is for his career and this is his dream and his happiness and as long as hes happy then I am happy, too. I don't have the right to stop him, instead I assured him that I can handle myself-- which I really don't know if I can. But the only thing that I can do right now is to understand and accept his decision without any regrets. I don't want to hold him back. I am not going to be that person that prevents him from the success of his career. I will be the one to push him in reaching his goal and I will always be behind him no matter what

"Hey babe. " Austin said while taking a sit beside me. I didn't even notice when him pulled through my driveway because I am deep in thought. "You look tired are you okay?" he asked while wrapping his arms around me. This will be one of the things that i'll miss when he's gone.

"Yeah I am okay, just thinking about stuffs." I said as I bury my head on the crook of his neck and inhaling his scent to keep in memory.

"Don't think too much and don't worry everything is going to be fine. If something bad happens then I am always right here beside you. I wan't you to know that if you need me just call me because I will come back for you even though I am in the middle of touring. Remember that stress is not good for our baby so try and not be worried about other things and focus on the positive." he said

"I can't help it. There are so many things running on my mind right now. I am worried that something bad will happen. I'm afraid because you are not here beside me for ten months and you won't be here when I give birth. At the same time I don't want you to worry about me. I want you to go on tour and follow your dreams. I'm so messed up right now, I'm battling with my mind. I think I'm going crazy. I hope this is just part of being pregnant." I said

"I know exactly how you feel. I dont want to leave you for too long either, especially that you are pregnant and your mom is not even here to take care of you. I'm also worried about you, so if you dont want me to go then just tell me because I am willing to drop everything and stay here with you." he said

This is what I love most about Austin. He is not selfish and always thinking about other people first. I hope he does not change after this tour.

"No, no, no. Of course I want the best for you and it is your happiness. Remember, if you are happy then I am happy too. So go on the tour and I am not going to stop you. I want you to stop worrying about me and if you don't go I am sure your mom will going to hate me more. I promise that I am going to be okay by myself for ten months. I can handle all the morning sickness and the mood swings alone. Oh no! I shouldn't have said that. Now, I feel bad for making you have second thoughts." I said sitting up and looking at his face.

"This is going to be hard for the both of us so I want you to be tough and don't let the hates get to you. I know that you are a strong person. I promise that I am going to call you if I have a free time but you have to promise me that you will take care of yourself and our baby." he said as he held my hand tightly.

"I promised that I am going to be strong for you and for our baby. I also promise that I will take care of our baby and myself." I said as I held his hand tighter and looked deeply in his eyes.

"I love you so much always remember that" he said

"I love you more"

"No. I love you most" he said and we laughed.

Our laughing soon died down when he looked deeply into my eyes. He caressed my cheek before glancing at my lips. Leaning forward, our lips move in sync, then electricity ignited my whole body. All of my worries and problems died down and replaced by happiness and love. The kiss is full of passion and I can feel our emotions in the kiss.

After we broke the kiss, I rested my forehead with his and just closed my eyes still feeling his taste on my lips. I moment is broken when his phone went off signaling he has a new message. He smiled at me before reading the text message. I watched him reading the message, the way his mesmerizing eyes scan the screen, the way he blinks his eyelids, and the way he slowly breaths. I watched his every move, registering it all in my mind thinking that I will not be able to watch him like this for a long time and that he is leaving later today or probably even right now.

He let out a deep sigh and look at me. He gave me a weak smile and by then I know that it is time. It is time for him to leave me and follow his dreams.

"I'm guessing its time?" I said

"Yeah, I wish I can spend a little more time with you but..." he trailed and looked at the floor. He is really cute when he does that-- looking so innocent and vulnerable.

"I understand. I'm really going to miss you so much." I said as I made him look at me and not the floor.

"Me too." he said and kissed my forehead, then the tip of my nose, and lastly my lips. I savored the feeling of his lips on mine because I will miss it more than anything.

After breaking the kiss, I walked him to the door while holding his hand on mine.

"Well I guess this is goodbye?" I said when we reached the door.

"Of course not baby. This is not yet the end. We are going to see each other soon." He then flashed me the Austin-Mahone-panty-dropper smile, and may I say, I just died!

just kidding, im still alive.

"Then, see you soon babe." I said and he hugged me one last time.

Not just a simple hug and normal hug but a pick-me-up-off-my-feet-squeeze-me-tight-spin-me-around-hurts-my-tummy-but-still-makes-me-smile-leaves-me-breathless-gives-me-butterflies-makes-me-giggle-stupidly kind of hug. Then he brought me back to my feet and kissed my not-yet-visible baby bump.

He opened the door and went to his range rover, before waving at me and I waved back. I watched him slowly disappear on my driveway until I am alone.

I am once again filled with the horrible feeling of loneliness.


hi everyone! Just a simple and very short update, but I hope you like it. Please bare with me and sorry for my wrong grammars and stuffs. And for another update I should achieved my goal vote. Remember feedback makes me motivated and happy.

Congrats to all the winners of RDMA, and no matter what happen im still here for Austin.

Goal vote: 10

Twitter: @acmpizzaunicorn

Edited: 03/05/17

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