Chapter 30

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It's Tyler. Your heartbeat quickens as you stare down at your phone. You hesitate for a couple of seconds and as you do, you can hear cabinets opening and closing from down in the kitchen. You think of Aaron and how excited he is to cook for you and you can't help but smile to yourself.


"Hey, (Y/N)," Tyler says quietly."I wanted to call you because I need to talk about what happened earlier. I fucked up, and I'm sorry I acted like a complete ass. I was hoping that we could jump right back into what we had at the end of spring. It wasn't fair of me to expect that from you, and I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. I - I owe Aaron an apology as well."

You sit in silence for a few seconds but it feels like an eternity.

"I appreciate that," you respond.

"I'd like to start over. I want to meet Aaron again if he can be convinced to not kick my ass. Maybe I can bring over some food and we can hang out with a couple of the other guys? I know that Austin hates me, and I'd like to work on that."

You smile to yourself and twirl your hair around your index finger. "I think we can work something out, but not tonight. I have a date."

"I knew that was going to happen," Tyler says with a little laugh. "I'm happy for you. I know I acted like a jerk before, but I do think Aaron is a good guy for you. I really hope that you have a great night tonight."

"That means a lot, Tyler. I'll text you in a day or two and we can figure something out, okay?"

"Perfect. Take care, (Y/N)."

You end the call and feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. As big of an asshole as Tyler can be, he is endearing and has a good heart. You don't know how Aaron and Austin will feel about Tyler's apology, but you decide that tonight is not the night to talk about it. Tonight is your date with Aaron, and you are going to enjoy every second of it.

A little while later, you are back in bed reading your book waiting for dinner. There is a quiet knock on the door and Aaron peaks his head in.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

"Hi, handsome," you respond as you stand up.

"Oh my - you look absolutely beautiful. Come here, let me get a good look at you," Aaron says fully entering the room.

You walk towards him and fluff up the skirt of your dress. Aaron smiles and approaches you slowly. His hands find your hips and he pulls you against him. He presses his fingers into your skin and rubs his thumb over your hip bone. Aaron tilts his head and kisses you passionately on the lips.

"So I have to tell you something," he says seriously.

"What?" you reply concerned.

"I fucked up dinner," he whispers with a grimace.

You let out a loud laugh and pull him closer to you. You rub your head against his chest and hear his heartbeat through his gray t-shirt. You rest your chin on his chest and look up at him.

"Honestly, the best part is that you tried to cook for me. It's ridiculously sweet and means a lot."

"Yeah, yeah," Aaron says sarcastically. He pushes a piece of hair out of your face and kisses your forehead. "I'll call in the Chinese food."


Austin and Sonny have made themselves completely disappear so that your evening with Aaron can be special. You walk into the game room to find cartons of Chinese food spread out across the coffee table. The Netflix app is open on the TV, and Aaron shrugs his shoulders when he sees you.

"Not the most romantic thing ever, but it's all I've got going for me today," he says shaking his head.

You skip over towards him and pull his face down to yours for a kiss.

"It's absolutely perfect."

You sink into the couch and grab a fork and some food on a plate. Aaron puts on The Office, and you laugh together while you eat your dinner. When you finish eating, you are completely stuffed. Aaron leans his back against the couch, unbuttons his pants, and lifts his shirt up. You find yourself unable to look away, but Aaron doesn't seem to mind you enjoying the view. He motions for you to come closer to him and you rest your head in his lap. He switches between playing with your hair to rubbing your back, and you can't think of a better way to spend a night.

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