8: Mikaal

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Dalia sank deeper into the red, faux leather, bucket seats of her beloved car, a jet black, 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO, donning a full bodykit - front and back lip extensions, side skirts, and a high-rise spoiler in the shape of an arch. She was approaching the Graham Farmer Freeway tunnel, her favourite part of the journey home because of the exhilarating sound her car's sports exhaust made, its roar bouncing off the walls of the tunnel whenever she zipped through, which gave her such a high.

She wasn't always a 'rev-head'; it all started in her final years of high school, chatting to a childhood friend who had moved to America but who she stayed in touch with over Facebook. They started talking about the car they planned to buy when they got their license. While Dalia hadn't given the idea much thought, her friend Meagan on the other hand was obsessed with cars, telling her about her dream to get a Suburu Wagon, but to Dalia's confusion, began using phrases like 'modding' her car with accessories she had never heard of before. Curious, Dalia researched the meanings of these foreign terms, which opened up a whole new world that she hadn't known existed before - which also lead to her discovering her own dream car that she eventually saved up for and bought.

Because she had decided to buy a Lancer EVO that was already 'done up' - given that she didn't think she had the time to locate and arrange for the 'mods' to be installed with her studies and uni club commitments - her prized possession wasn't an easy find. After searching for months across multiple second hand car dealerships and online private classified ads, it was in the beginning of her second year of uni when she finally got her driver's license that Dalia made the purchase of her dreams. She could still remember the moment she first laid eyes on its beautiful, sleek, curvaceous body - she had no doubt in her mind she had found 'the one', her lifelong companion, her 'baby'.

She also remembered Blake's reaction to her car purchase - his lack of excitement for her always puzzled her...

"Dalia," Simon's voice was full of anxiety, "aren't there usually police in this area?"

"I'm not speeding... it's just the loudness of my car that probably makes people think I am..." Dalia liked to approach the tunnel at a steady speed, but the moment she entered the opening, she would 'floor it' - switching into fifth gear, pushing hard on her accelerator, adoring the rush it gave her as her baby shot forward, intoxicating her with its purr that would rise to a crescendo. But she was still careful to stay within the speed limits - at least she began to do so after getting her first speeding fine that cost her practically half of her fortnightly student income, which was an incredibly painful lesson.

Dalia noticed Simon glance at her odometer while gripping his seat, as if he didn't believe her.

"We're almost out of the tunnel and onto the built up area, so I'll be slowing down soon."

Simon didn't respond, but when she glanced at him, she could see him attempting a brave face - it was endearing.

"You're going to die from holding your breath before you die as my passenger."

He laughed, as she hoped he would.

"But seriously, I thought you didn't mind my crazy driving. Don't you remember the time you surprised me with the High Performance Driving course?"

Simon was silent. Dalia looked over at him again to find his confused face.

"That time Blake..." Her face felt tight at hearing his name aloud, especially out of her own lips - it still felt awkward; it still pained her, but as she absorbed the ache, she continued, "...disappeared on me, you planned the whole surprise to help me get my mind off him?"

A longer pause ensued. "Uh, vaguely," Simon finally said, his tone uncharacteristically flat.

"How could you forget something as awesome as doing that course with me! It was one of the best experiences I've ever had!"

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