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Any more interruptions?



FINALLY! I can write this entry about Wednesday without being so RUDELY interrupted.

Since I have my new diary, and Brianna is at Oliver's house, I'm free to write this.


" okay there?" I HEARD A VOICE!

I instantly froze, I didn't know that I was being watched during my moment of despair.

I thought that maybe if I turned around, I would see my crush


So I hid my face, I didn't want him to see me crying like this (not again anyway).

But hiding my face only made it worse. It was so easy to see right through my act.

'Brandon' knew exactly what I was doing.

"Look, you don't have to hide your face from me. I'm not like them, you're safe now. Her act may have fooled everyone else, but I'm not taking her side. I know I liar when I see one."

Awwwwwwwhhh, that was so sweet of him to say. That he wouldn't take Mackenzie's side and that he wasn't like the others who went to console her.

At least I had Brandon, a loyal friend close to me which is more than what can be said about Mackenzie with her fake CCP friends.

"Are... Are you crying?"

Brilliant... Just BRILLIANT. So much for hiding it!

Instead of showing my face to him, I made an excuse.

"No, there's just something in my eye and it won't come out."

"That's a lie." he said bluntly.

A lie? He knew?!

"What? No I mean it, it's really wedged in there." I really tried putting my all into the act like some last ditch effort.

"Have you forgotten? What did I just say?" He asked me.


"What did I say that I'm capable of doing?"

"That you can tell when somebody is lying."


Great, so nothing is getting past him today. The best choice is to come clean and face him.

"Okay, fine there isn't anything in my-"

I turned around, but I was stopped dead in my tracks. For the voice that I heard WASN'T Brandon Roberts...

...It was some guy that I had never met!

I felt like a deer caught in headlights, what was I supposed to say? Hi I'm Nikki Jullianne Maxwell and I'm crying in a pile of my dead diary?


The guy who stood behind me was pretty tall, he had blonde medium hair, blue eyes and was wearing a black hoodie slightly zipped down to reveal a white shirt. He had this silver necklace around his neck which connected to a small silver pendant box carved with an M (See where I got the inspiration for my heart key necklace?) . He was also wearing blue designer jeans and white sneakers.

 He was also wearing blue designer jeans and white sneakers

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