Chapter 4

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"When my absence doesn't alter your life, then my presence has no meaning in it." -

Emerald's POV

Harry left and finally I had a chance to change my clothes. Thanks God! 

I called my dad, Eros Petrakis, to tell him the good news and he was so ecstatic about it.

"Wow, that's great news! You should be thankful to Harry for recommending your jewelry business."

"Of course!" Did I thank him? Oops, I think not. No worries. I'll give him a good commission.

"I'm so proud of you, Emmie. Just tell me if you need help, okay?"

"Thanks, dad, I will."

"By the way, are you going alone?"

"Yeah. I don't think the King's invitation extended to anyone. I'll be staying in the Royal Palace for a week and it's very safe."

"Nah-- I'm not worried. I know Harry will take care of you." Dad said reassuringly, before he hung up the phone.

I was preparing the things I needed to bring tomorrow in the UK, particularly my portfolio - so I could show it to the King, when my phone rang. 

"Hi, Blossom."

The endearment made me cringe, but I learned not mind. 

"Hello, Kevin." 

Kevin Hill was the sweetest guy I had ever met. Caring and very understanding. The only guy who could listen to my ranting for hours without any complain. He was also very patience in going shopping with me, for hours. He offered to carry the shopping bags without any sign of annoyance. 

Kevin and I met four months ago, when I was outside the mall waiting for my driver. I was surprised when someone knocked at me and stole my bag. Kevin saw the incident and ran after the guy. He got my bag and returned it to me. I was very grateful to him. All my important stuff were there - my phone, my planner, keys, I.D.s, credit/debit cards, etc. 

He asked me to have coffee with him and I could not say no. He was my hero that day. I owed him a lot for what he did. But no regrets though. I found out that he was a really nice guy and enjoyable to talk with. He was smart, a good listener and a good adviser. He worked as an independent financial consultant. He just started his business, but I was confident he'd make it big someday.

We continued going out from time to time. For me, it was just a friendly date. No intimacy or whatsoever. Besides, I did not feel any chemistry between us. 

"I miss you. Can I see you tonight?"

"Aww... I can't. I promised my mom to be home for dinner. Zion and Claire will be dining with us."

I heard him sighed with disappointment. "How about tomorrow?"

"I'm leaving for UK early morning. I'll be gone for a week."

"A week? Are you vacationing?"

"Nope. I'm meeting the King!" I could not contain my excitement. I was overwhelmed with happiness. I have to tell him the great news. 

"You mean the king of England?"

"Yeah!" I told him about my appointment with Harry and being offered to make the queen's crown. "I have to be there to discuss the details with the king. I'm so excited... I haven't been to the Royal Palace before." 

"You're a very lucky girl."

"I know... Thank you, Kevin." I still could not believe that I got the offer. I felt like I was dreaming. 

"How about coffee? Can we meet even for an hour?" Kevin queried. "It's my birthday today."

Oops. I did not know that. 

"Really? Oh, Kevin... Happy Birthday!" He should have told me earlier. I could have prepared something special for him. "Of course, we can meet." I continued.

Later, he fetched me in the office. We had coffee and continued talking about the queen's crown and my coming jewelry exhibit. He was very excited for me and promised to give me all the support that I would need.  After an hour, he drove me home, in time for my family dinner.


"Oh my God! Oh my God!"

I woke up at six thirty in the morning. Scrambling out of bed. I did not wake up with the annoying buzz of my alarm clock and Shawn Mendes song. I was totally knocked down last night after Zion gave me a shot of that native wine called Arak, he brought from Indonesia. I was not actually an alcohol drinker. I learned my lesson during university days. I embarrassed myself when I had enough of alcohol. I became a different person. I behaved in a way that was quite different from my usual personality.

I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Harry would pick me up at seven sharp so we could catch the eight o'clock flight. 

Oh shit! It was six forty five when I left the bathroom. I grabbed the first dress I saw in my closet and put it on. I was applying makeup on my face - done with the foundation, concealer and my eyebrows when our household help knocked, informing me that Harry was waiting downstairs. 

Double shit! It's still six fifty five! 

I put some makeup in my bag and grabbed the first shoes I saw on the rack. A five inch black stiletto shoes. I was hurrying down the stairs when I saw my reflection in the big decorative mirror.

Triple shit! I forgot to comb my hair.

Harry was looking so freshly clean... suave... okay... handsome, in his khaki colored pants and long sleeves button up shirt. He was tall, rawboned and beardless with a very appealing face. The muscles rippling under his white shirt quickened my pulse. Darn it!

His eyes met mine the moment I went outside our house, where he was waiting, standing beside my luggages. I gave him my sweetest brightest smile.

"Good morning." I greeted him.

"Why are you bringing your whole closet? You're staying for a week, not a whole year." He immediately snapped at me. His eyes directed at my five big luggages.

"I... um... " I was caught off guard. My throat constricted, I could not speak.

 "Just bring one luggage. That's it."

"Wha-- I can't!" Finally, I found my voice. "I don't have time to shop when we get there. I'll be very busy working the design."

"Okay, choose two and that's enough. You're not going there for a fashion show, for Christ's sake!" He cursed and looked at me like I was a spoiled brat kid.

Oh God. Give me patience. 

I was containing my anger. The last thing I wanted was getting a fight with him. I have to act so sweet, nice and friendly to him. For now. I needed him  for this project. 

I picked two luggages and his driver put it inside the Mercedes SUV.

We were settled at the back of the car, when he asked.

"Did you have your breakfast?"

"Nope. I woke up late." I answered curtly.

He nodded. "You can eat in the plane."

"Thanks." I answered and he was giving me a silent treatment again. 

I did not understand him. His rudeness was killing me. Like he was just being force in my company. I should be the one mad at him for what he did before. He hurt me. And now, it seemed like it was the other way around!

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