Types of magic- Explanation pt.1

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We all might know the Elements kind of magic from the avatar...

Water, Earth, Fire, Air.

Self explanatory.

So, I'm using the elemental, arcane, and mental types of magic.

I wanna explain it before we get to chapter 6.

(Still in the process of making)


Arcane first I guess.


Arcane Magic

Arcane Magic

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Enerkinesis is the ability over magical energy, which flows through the earth. Users of enerkinesis can tap into this ever-flowing energy and manipulate it for its uses. Runes are needed to do this, though, as an enerkinesis cannot use this magical energy without them. Some advanced users of enerkinesis will burn runes into their skin, so they can always access that particular source of energy.

 Some advanced users of enerkinesis will burn runes into their skin, so they can always access that particular source of energy

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The user can transport person, creature, or object to them directly. This may result from a previous summoning contract, which creates a connection between the summon and summoner. High level users may not be bound by restrictions such as a contract, and can summon anything they want, including powerful beings or "familiar spirits" and often require strong mystic connections to where these entities reside. The summoning can backfire, however, leading to any number of misfortunes, such as the summoned person, creature, or item causing harm to the summoner.


Animating is the ability to imprint life on inanimate objects. Animated objects can act and move on their own accord out of the user’s control; however they do seem to work in tandem to their animator. Novice animators are normally unable to keep an object animated for more than a day, while advanced animators can bring life to an inanimate object indefinitely. Animators cannot bring life to things that were once alive, such as corpses. Their powers only work on matter that has never hosted life before.

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