Chapter 14

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*sorry for the longest longest longest wait ever. Has it been two years? Idk. Thanks for reading !

Lady Louise

I was opening the door to my office when I heard a thump.
"What in the holy gods is this?" I think to myself. "There is no running in this household!"

I follow the sound and hear Liam shout "ROSE!"

I rush to find my precious baby on the floor, blood pooling around her. She was getting pale fast.

"CALL THE PHYSICIANS!" I shout scared that I would lose my only child. The one thing that is keeping me alive.

My daughter.


I take her from Liam and apply pressure to the gunshot wound. "Get me some towels!" I yell to Beatrice.

I proceed to apply pressure and pray to the high heavens that my daughter survives.

Had I not been in my office working so much, I've could've prevented this. She wouldn't be hurt now. I'm sooo worried.

I was so trapped in my thoughts I didn't realize the doctors had arrived and were taking her to the carriage.

I follow suit and load in with them. It took us some time to get there but they ushered me out the room.
"I'm sorry. You're not allowed in there till the doctor clears her out."

"I will drag you to the depths of the 7th hell if you think I will not go in that room!" I shout furious.

"Lady Louise!" The head nurse bows. "The longer you keep all the attendants here, the more you are putting your daughter at risk!"

That shut me up.

Numbly, I drag myself to the wall and slump down.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I whisper and feel the tears roll down my face.

I should've been there! I shouldn't have locked myself in that office! I should have been watching over her! She needed a mother, and I wasn't one. If I would've been there, I—


The entrance door bangs open.

"YOU BITCH!" He screeches.

To be continued lol.

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