Chapter 3 - {Cammie}

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OUR TOWN ISN'T small, but it isn't big, either. It's nearly impossible to avoid running into people we know. And today is no different. Alone for the first time since Holden rejoined me at the cabana this morning, I turn the corner at the Paulina's, the local office supply store—not the chain variety. Holden chose this place for us to get packaging stuff and boxes. The thought of Holden makes me smile as I quite literally run into Amie. "Oh. Hey. Whatcha doin' here?" I ask.

She tilts her head and eyes me speculatively, like she's trying to assess the same question about me. Her gaze drifts to my full hands. It's just an office store. What's the big deal? People buy large rolls of tape all the time. And bubble wrap. Holden said he'd take the boxes to the cashier before he went to the bathroom, or if it wasn't already, it'd be a dead giveaway as to why I'm here. Her hands are empty, so I have no clue why she's here or what she's buying.

"I'm here submitting the final order on the invitations for the wedding," she says, pretty much effectively reading my mind.

I swallow hard at that one word: wedding.

"But it doesn't look like that's what you're doing. Oh, and the last decade called. It says it wants its clothes back." She winks.

Probably good I changed from the heels I had on last night like Holden recommended. I shake my head, ignoring the last part of her comment about the clothes. "No, obviously not."

"Want to tell me something, Cam?"

At that exact moment, Holden rejoins me, and her eyes widen as they dart from me to him like she's putting two and two together. Maybe because he makes zero effort to keep walking, to pretend we don't exist. Of course, he didn't ignore me last night, either. No, he most certainly did not. Or before breakfast. Or after. My core starts to warm. No. Sizzle. He puts his hand on the small of my back and leans in to kiss my cheek. I'm not sure why it shocks me so much. Going public with whatever this is was my idea. But it's just strange.

"Sorry that took so long." He holds his hands out for the merchandise I'm holding. "I'll take these to the front and give you two some time to talk." He glances at Amie and nods, giving her a quick, crooked, wry smile. "Amie." Damn him. If that wasn't an unspoken statement, a claim, then I don't know what one is. She may be a girl, but Holden of all people knows how important she—her friendship—is to me. "Always good to see you."

"Holden," she says, a smile threatening to curve her lips. When he's out of earshot, she steps closer and gives me one of those looks that don't require words. But if she were to use words, only one would be required: spill.

A smile is about to bust out, but I'm not sure why. "I can't do this here." I shake my head, backing up to follow him. "Not right now, please." I bite my lips, my eyes wide as I turn to walk away from her. No, I'm not ready to face more people today, to explain all the ways my life is a clusterfuck. But then why is my heart skipping? Why does this feel so...good?

She yanks Violet's shirt, which is now mine, and that causes me to stop in my tracks. In less than twelve hours, this has become one of my most prized possessions. Not so much because Holden gave it to me, but because I know it was his sister's—because I know how much it means to him. "No, no. That isn't an option."

When I glance over my shoulder, she arches a brow.

"What in the hell is going on?"

I shrug the shoulder that's not being tugged back toward her. "It's complicated."

"Sounds like a Facebook relationship status."

I laugh. "Then that sounds about right. Doesn't Facebook make everything more confusing?"

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