Chapter 8 - {Holden}

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ROLLING OVER, I pull Cammie's warm body against mine and inhale the faint strawberry scent from the lip gloss she's always worn. I must have done a shitty job last night kissing her for there to be any trace of that remaining. I'll make sure to do better this morning. Ever so softly, I move her chestnut strands to the side and plant my lips on her neck. "Rise and shine, tigress."

It's been a week since we moved her to the guesthouse. It's also been a week since I slept at my place. Even though we haven't had sex, the mere thought of leaving her, of not sleeping with her, frightens me in a way I'm not sure how to describe. I think it's because in our past, too often we were separated and something bad happened. Or maybe it's that I've been away from her for basically nine years, and I'm hell-bent on making up for lost time.

"Cam?" I ask.


"Wake up. I wanna ask you something."

She rolls over, pressing her front against me and my rock hard erection before wrapping her arms around my neck. "Answers in exchange for kisses."

I smirk. "If that's the Sunday special, then I hope you're ready because I'm going to assault you with questions...and kisses."

"I like the way you think." She laughs. "Ask, er, kiss away."

Planting my lips on hers, I let my tongue lightly caress her lips before pulling back. It'd be so easy to get lost in her right now. "I thought we could start making some traditions."

"That's not a question, Masters. You're starting to let me down here. Do I need to remind you of how Webster defines question?"

I chuckle. "No, smartass."

Her eyes widen. "It's way too soon for this, but considering for a period of time I pretended to be Mrs. Holden Masters, if we ever get married, I can't think of a better name to assume than Mrs. Smartass."

I stare at her in utter amazement. There's no one I'd rather share that name with than her. Giving her ass a spank, I tsk. "I was thinking we could go to Rind 'N Grind this morning for breakfast."

She shakes her head, mischief written all over her face. "Still not a question."

She's right. Even though laser tag was my ridiculously flawed attempt at asking her out on a date, it was so horrible she didn't even know it. And a week ago when I won her auction, she didn't even get a say. And we all know if she'd been able to turn me down, she would have. She tried. Damn, am I glad that didn't work. But this is my chance to finally ask her out the way she deserves. Although, we're totally doing shit all kinds of backward. "Cam," I say, kissing her nose. "Will." I kiss her cheek. Who cares about backward? This is way better than any way I could have asked her before. Goosebumps erupt on her skin and she closes her eyes for a second before flashing them open, like she wants to see and hear what's happening. "You."

My lips move to that sensitive area behind her ear. I breathe in it like I did ten years ago, the first time I started playing with the idea of risking our friendship for more. "Go." She shivers. "Out." I lick her lobe. "With." It's like we're in high school all over again. My dick is so hard, my heart feels like it's had electricity shocked through it, warming my blood as it courses through my veins. "Me?" My hands roam down her side before gripping her waist. "I think that should have been enough kisses to pay for a single answer."

She sucks in a breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly. She puts her hands on my cheeks and gazes into my eyes for what seems like forever. I bet this is what it feels like when guys ask a girl to marry them and they hesitate before answering. What's taking her so damn long? It's just breakfast. Just a date.

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