Chapter 11 - My view before dinner

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My mum saw how scared i was, she comforted me and told me everything would be okayy and nothing would happen to me.

It's after lunch now, mum said that she wants to go to the shops to get some flowers and wine for Michele. She left a little while ago. I was up in my room listening to music on my laptop when a skype box appeared, someone was calling me, it was my dad.

I haven't talked to my dad in a couple of days, he says he's been busy with work, he was hardly busy with work when i was there, i kind of guess that he wanted to tell me something. 

I answered his call waiting for my dad to appear.

Abigail: Hey dad

Harry: Sweetheart! How is San Antonio and your mum handling you?

Abigail: yeah good thanks dad. Hows New York without me going?

Harry: well it's not the same with you angel

Abigail: aww thanks dad

Harry: honey, i have some news for you?

Abigail: and i thought you wanted a normal father-daughter conversation, i didn't think so

Harry: sweetie, i do but i just want to get this out of the way

Abigail: okay, what is the news then?

Harry: well you know how me and Katherine are getting married?

Abigail: Yes *looks down with disappointment*

Harry: and we were going to have the wedding next summer when you come home?

Abigail: yes, dad where is this going?

Harry: well we can't have it next summer?

Abigail: why not?

Harry: because we have to have it this year

Abigail: why? why can't you wait till next year?

Harry: because Katherine is pregnant

Abigail: *shouts* what? *shocked*

Harry: calm down sweetheart

Abigail: calm down? calm down? your having a baby with Katherine? 

Harry: yes, that's why we need to have the wedding before she has the baby

Abigail: why can't you two wait a little while after the baby is born until you have the wedding?

Harry: because Katherine doesn't want to baby born out of wedlock, she doesn't want the baby to be a bastard baby

Abigail: so what? 

Harry: Abigail! 

Abigail: what? 

Harry: you know i love Katherine, i want to make her happy and this is what is going to make her happy, so we are having the wedding at the start of next month

Abigail: But that is only like 2 weeks away though?

Harry: yes and we want you there, please come sweetheart?

Abigail: of course i'll come, is Aidan coming?

Harry: we've invited him but he's away with his parents in florida next week and won't be back until a day after the wedding

Abigail: awh, that's not fair

Harry: i'm sorry sweetie

Abigail: it's okay

Just then i hear the front door opening and mum shouting up to me.

Pamela: Abi, sweetie, i'm home, start getting ready please

I tell my dad that i have to go and that i'll call him tomorrow and arrange the details then.

I shout down to my mum.

Abigail: how long do we have till we leave?

Pamela: 2 hours. Michele called me when i was at the shops and said to come around at 5 instead of 6

Okay, so i have 2 hours to get ready. I go over to my wardrobe and look through all my clothes. I didn't want to look really dressy but i also didn't want to look too tom boyish. I picked out a few nice tops and shorts and a couple of dresses. I ended up decided on half dressy and half tom boyish. I picked out my navy tube top and my 3 quarter shorts, i went over to my jewelry box and picked out my navy dangling earrings. I went back over to my wardrobe and got out my flowery wedge shoes. (

I was all changed now, i went out into the bathroom at the other side of the landing and put on some make-up, i didn't put on to much so it looks like i'm a slut, just a little so it was neutral. I went back into my bedroom and straighten my hair and plaited back my side fringe. 

It was 10 to 5 now. I walked downstairs to find my mum looking into the mirror putting on her lipstick. She noticed i was walking down the stairs and she turned round and started to speak to me.

Pamela: You look beautiful dear

Abigail: thanks mum,you look beautiful too.

Pamela: Thank you love *smiles*

Abigail: your welcome *smiles back*

Pamela: are you ready to go now?

Abigail: yes, are you?

Pamela: yes, lets get going then

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