Chapter 18 - Dad's wedding day is just beginning

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I walk down the stairs to see my dad standing by the doorway with Austin. My dad looked every handsome in his suit, i'm proved of him for moving on from mum and getting married today even though it's to Katherine. But Austin, he looks incredible. He looks so flawless, he's in his black tie and his red tie, he looks so good. ([weheartit])

I'm at the bottom of the stairs and Austin looks like he's seen a ghost or something. 

Austin: Abi, you look *little pause*, you look wow

Abi: Good wow or bad wow?

Austin: good wow, really good wow.

Abi: thanks Austin, you look really handsome yourself

Austin: when don't i?

We both laugh at how cheesy Austin was. 

Harry: Come on you too, we have to get going now or we'll be late

Abi: okay hold your horses dad

Harry: come on

We head out the dad and walk to the elevator and go to my dad's car. It's a little drive till the reception office because it's on the suburbs of the city and we are picking up dad's best man on the way. Me and Austin are in the back seats talking about what we are going to do around New York together after today is over and done with, while we wait for dad and James, his best man, to come back to the car and we can start driving again. 

We're at the reception office now, me and dad are getting our photo's taken by the photographer outside. I feel sorry for Austin as he doesn't know anyone here apart from me and my dad. 

I'm done taking my pictures with dad and i'm standing outside introducing Austin to some of my family. They seem to all like Austin, but every time i introduce him, they all ask if we're together, i hate saying that we aren't when i want to be with him, be in his arms and stay with him forever, but i know that will never happen.

*Ausitn's point of view*

I'm being introduced to some of Abi's family, they all seem really nice and i think they like me but every time she introduces me to someone they ask if me and Abi are together and Abi says no, i wish i was with her together, take her out on dates, kiss her under the moonlight and her hold in the sunset, but i know that Abi doesn't feel the same way about me. 

*End of point of view*

Abi: Grandpa this is my friend from Texas, Austin

My grandpa is my only grandparent left, he's 76 and he goes in and out of hospital a lot. I think one day soon i'll be grandparentless. I don't want to think about that though, i love him and don't want him to go to heaven just yet. My grandpa is my dad's dad, he's called Johnathon and that's also my dad's middle name. 

Johnathon: Nice to meet you young man, i see my little Abigail has found someone better than that Noah character.

Austin: Nice to meet you to sir but....

I cut Austin off before he could say anything about me and him not together.

Abi: Grandpa, me and Austin are only friends, like me and Aidan.

Johnathon: oh right, sorry sweetheart i just assumed that you too were together as you invited him to your dad's wedding

Abi: fair point but we're just friends grandpa

Johnathon: I understand, i better go get your father inside before the bride comes

Abi: okay grandpa, we'll see you inside

Me and Austin went inside and waited for everyone to come in. We were at the front row, we both sat down just as Grandpa and dad entered the room. I watch them walk up the aisle when Austin says my name.

Austin: Abigail?

I turn around and look into his beautiful hazel eye.

Abi: yeah?

Austin: Did i tell you how beautiful you look today?

Abi: no you didn't but thanks

I smile at him, it feels like he's leaning in towards me but just at that point the priest starts talking.

Priest Scott: Will you all stand for the entrance of the bride

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