Chapter 15 - Flight to New York now boarding

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It's the 2nd of September, today i'll be leaving to go back to my home town. I can't wait to see my beautiful city again. I've missed it so much. On the 5th i'm getting to meet up with Aidan and i'll be spending the day with him, i've so excited, i've missed that boy so much, it's unbelievable! But the only reason i'm going back home is for the stupid wedding, i really don't like Katherine but she makes my dad happy so i kinda have to be nice to her. The only thing i'm looking forward to the wedding is that i'm going with Austin, he's my plus one.

Last week i was mad at Austin because he was forcing me to wear a dress to the wedding, i'm not really one for dresses, but i only bought this dress for him, he's not seen the dress yet though. I went shopping with my mum and Michele to get a dress for the wedding but i really like this dress, i think it's cute, i hope Austin likes it. I asked my work last night if i could get a week off work, thankful i get off but i'm straight back to work the next day i get back though, which i'm not looking forward to, i'll be to tired to work. I want to sleep when i get back.

It's half 9 in the morning right now and i'm just finishing getting ready before i have to go for my flight. My mum is driving me to the airport and saying goodbye to me there, she's not coming with me though. She says she can't get out of work but i know she doesn't want to see dad re-marry, i don't blame her though, it would be tough seeing your ex husband get married again. 

I'm in the car, it's a boring ride but i'm pumped that i'm going home, i can tell mum is a little upset but i can't help it. We arrive in the airport and i go hand my tickets to the woman at the desk and hand her my suitcases also. I put my carry-on bag on the shoulder and walk over to my mum. I hug her tight.

Abigail: I'll be back before you know it mum

Pamela: just be safe yeah?

Abigail: yeah of course, i have stayed in New York most of my life remember?

Pamela: yeah i know, i'm just going to miss you that's all

Abigail: i know, i'll miss you too mum

Intercom voice: Flight 2534 to New York City boarding now

I let got of mine and my mums hug.

Abigail: that's my ride, i better go before they leave without me, bye mum, love you

Pamela: bye sweetie, love you too

I walked to the gate and wave back to my mum. I board the plane and find my seat. A window seat, i love window seat cause then i can just stare out the window and see what's going on at the ground. I haven't seen Michele and Austin yet though, maybe they are in 1st class or something, never mind. I grab my iPhone and headphones from my bag and plug in my headphones and start listening to music. I notice there if a older man who is sitting at the aisle side but there is still a sit beside me, i really hope no one sits there. Just then i hear the older gentlemen talk and notice he standing up to let someone past. I look at the person's face and it's someone who i was wanting to see so badly, it was Austin.

Abigail: Hey Austin *i pull out my headphone from my ears*

Austin: hey, i didn't know i was gonna be sitting beside you

Abigail: well i hope it was a good surprise 

Austin: it was believe me *he smile at me*

Abigail: good *i smile back*

Yes, i'm sitting beside Austin, maybe this journey won't be so bad after all.

*Austin's point of view*

We're late for our flight, me and my mum are running towards the gate for our flight, we just made it. My mum found her seat but i'm not sitting beside her, i go up futher up the plane to try and find my seat. I found it, i guess i was in the middle.There was a guy on the aisle side and a girl sitting at the window. I had to get past this man so i could get to my seat.

Austin: Sorry sir, could i get past so i can get to my seat please?

Man: of course son, sorry

He stood up and i walked past him to get to my seat, i looked at the girl who was sitting by the window, she was very beautiful and this was because she was Abigail. I sat down and she started to speak to me.

Abigail: Hey Austin

Austin: hey, i didn't know i was gonna be sitting beside you

Abigail: well i hope it was a good surprise

Austin: it was believe me * i smile at her*

Abigail: good *she smiles back at me

Yee! i'm sitting beside Abi, this flight just got a lot better. 

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