It's been awhile

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    Well fuck it's been a while. I'm sorry about that.  umm let's catch up. So I got settled in good and school has been great. I'm a straight A student believe it or not lol. My depression got hella bad when I was dumped; I broke a promise I made to someone I tryed to tell him but he deleted my number. I've been doing better thought.  Parts of me wonders how he is doing. Other part hopes he's suffering like I was  for a few months. 

                 I'm happy now, I have an amazing boyfriend who loves and supports me. I finally have a family who loves and supports me. I have a therapy service cat named Houdini. I am still in and out of the doctor due to stomach issues that cannot be explained. I had a therapist but I think she was a quack. I only have one friend other then my boyfriend. My friend is the greatest. I can call him crying and he'll calm me down and help me. 

                        As for my up north family I don't really talk to them they are apart of my tummy issues. I count the days where I can give them the middle finger and go off the grid. My mom is the worst of them all. Moving put a light in my eyes about my mom that I never noticed before. I've never noticed how much she emotionally abused me. For 16 years she drilled into my head that I never good enough for anything. She drilled into my head that I was the imperfect child. But anywho i'm doing better now. so until next time I remember to update. Peace out my lovely bunnies <3!

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