Helping the Sheep Man

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"This doesn't seem to be the brightest of ideas...what makes you think we can trust your informant?" Jasper called out from his horse not too far behind Scarlett's horse.

Riding out to meet the informant was part of Charles plan, having the rest of the gang go along with his was certainly not. However Jasper was determined to follow wherever Scarlett went and she wasn't about to let Charles go out alone again especially since he would have information she needed. Trying her best not to roll her eyes at Jasper's statement Scarlett instead focused on Charles who rode before her.

"You didn't have to come, I repeated that to you more than once brother. If you hate the journey so much then turn around and go back." Charles said as he settled into his saddle.

Henry watched from the end of the line of the gang as the two brothers bickered back and forth. Shaking his head he tried to pay them no mind but after a while it was becoming more than aggravating. Those two could take any situation and turn it into an argument, though it was hot and they really had no idea where they were going even he began to wonder what Charles might be up to.

Jasper still arguing with Charles rode up beside his brother making it so that Scarlett was now with Henry.

"You would think those two have argued since birth." Henry commented to his friend with a sigh.

"My sisters and I would do that, only when it came to something we really wanted. With those two though it seems like they argue just to argue. Maybe it's a guy thing?" Scarlett shrugged as she looked to Henry who narrowed his eyes at her.

"I am a man too Scar, sheesh you seem to forget that." Henry scoffed as the trotted forward on the dirt path before them.

"I have never forgotten that Henry, I guess I just don't think of you the same as other men..." Scarlett said with a worn sigh until they saw a house out in the distance. "Now who would live all the way out in the middle of nowhere?"

"Maybe someone who didn't want to be found?" Henry wondered as he looked at the house. "Looks pretty old though, from this distance that it...but surrounded by sheep?"

That's when they all heard a shot ring out from the house. The sheep made a run for it and darted as far away from the house as they could. Everyone stopped their horses in their tracks and looked over to the house. The door opened and a blonde woman in a dark brown skirt held the gun and exited the house but looked back into the home.

"You stay the hell away from me! You no good sheep farmer! I hate this life and I hate you!" she spat and then turned on her heel and walked to the barn.

There waiting seemed to be a group of men who if I didn't know any better seemed to be a group of outlaws. One flick of her wrist and they all surrounded the house, each with a torch in hand.

"They're going to kill the farmer!" Scarlett called out to Jasper and Charles.

"That's their business." Jasper shrugged not caring about the farmer.

Charles rolled his eyes and shook his head but Scarlett looked over and Henry and he knew from the look in her eyes she was about to do something stupid.

"Scar...come on now..." Henry said inching closer to her horse.

Before he could grab the reigns though she took off straight for the house. Charles looked to Henry then back to where Scarlett was heading and quickly followed her. Jasper stayed still but Henry also followed the new path that Scarlett was blazing. Scarlett was a red head, therefore most of thinking she did after her actions, that was just the way she was. Riding around the house and getting the men's attention seemed to work and once she got to the barn she quickly dismounted the horse and jumped into a tall bale of hay. Henry and Charles were still keeping the men busy by making them chase them around the property.

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