Dressing the Part

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Scarlett groaned as she saw herself in the mirror of the dress shop. Number one she hated wearing dresses because she felt that it made her feel more like a doll than a person. Also, she hated corsets that made her feel like she couldn't breathe until the darn thing was cut off her.

"Just a little tighter." The shop maid grinned knowing Scarlett was in pain.

"If you go any tighter, I won't be able to breathe!" Scarlett yelled as the corset's ties were pulled tighter. "Charles! Henry! I can't breathe!"

Bursting in, Henry grabbed Scarlett and pulled her away from the shop maid. Charles shook his head at the girl who just grinned and shrugged. Something told Scarlett that the shop maid was a little jealous that Scarlett came in with two other men. Charles and Henry accompanied her while Jasper took Sam to get some better clothes as well.

"Scarlett? You ok?" Henry asked as Scarlett stabled herself against her friend.

"I can finally breathe if that is what you mean, whoever invented this hell of a contraption wanted women to suffer." Scarlett said taking in a deep breath.

"You wife needs to learn to keep her tongue, no man will want her in their house." The shop maid said as she took off back to the front of the shop.

"As much as I hate to say this, she's right. You can't talk that way if you want to blend in. Not only will you get in trouble, but you would also get Sam in trouble as well." Charles said as he handed her the rest of her dress.

Henry blushed as he moved to stand beside Charles and look the opposite way of Scarlett. She sighed as she put the dark green dress on. Jasper and Sam walked in not to long after and went right to Charles and Henry.

"Everything ok? The shop maid was talkin about some devil red head cursing her out." Jasper said no doubt thinking it was Scarlett.

Sticking her head just out from behind the screen, Scarlett narrowed her eyes at Jasper.

"She was trying to kill me; I had no way to get air to my lungs and if Henry hadn't of come in and saved me, I would be dead on the ground." Scarlett defended herself then went back behind the screen.

"Sam...get ready to hide her a lot. Especially if she doesn't know when to keep her tongue." Charles sighed and gripped his nose.

Sam gulped as the stop keeper then came back to them.

"Who will be responsible for the young lady's bill?" the storekeeper asked the men.

Jasper went with the store keep and began to tell him other things that she would need. That man had dollar signs in his eyes quicker than a bullet came out of a gun. Scarlett finally came out from behind the screen and twirled as though she were on display.

"Sam, meet you wife, Scarlett." Henry chuckled trying to keep the situation light.

"This is going to drive me crazy. This is something that I could never see my normal self-wearing" Scarlett sighed as she adjusted herself while looking at the mirror.

"She looks good to me, still we need a back-story guys." Sam said as he followed Henry and Charles to the front of the store.

Henry nodded as he thought of a back story that could work for Sam and Scarlett. Charles was also trying to think of the details when they all heard a gasp. Turning around their first reaction was to look at Scarlett, however she was looking in the mirror right at them as though they were the culprits. Then all eyes went to the storekeeper who was keeping his shop girl away from Jasper. The girl was flushed and looked as though she were going to faint. Walking up to Jasper, she swatted him upside the head and pulled him to the front of the store by his ear.

"What in your right mind makes you think we need any kind of attention? What in gods name did you say to that poor girl?" Scarlett asked finally releasing his ear from her grasp.

"All I said was she had fine birthing hips, she would make a man truly happy one day." Jasper shrugged not seeing where the problem was in his statement.

"Good birthing hips?" Henry questioned sarcastically as he shook his head.

"Liar, you've never used the term birthing hips in your life. Out with the truth brother." Charles said crossing his arms over his chest determined to find out the truth from his twin.

"Fine, you win! I said she probably wouldn't ever look as good as Scarlett in the dress and the only good way for her to look would be without one." Jasper said as he looked around discreetly hoping no other townsfolk had heard him.

Scarlett put her hand over her mouth as though she were about to be sick.

"That's called a backhanded compliment Jasper. However, it also makes it sounds like you want to sleep with her making her gasp and flush all at the same time." Sam said as he looked between Scarlett and Jasper.

"Can't we just tie him up somewhere until this is all done?" Scarlett asked with a sly grin hiding her words from the passersby.

"Not if you want my money sugar." Jasper grinned.

The whole group froze, Henry looked down at the ground fully knowing what to expect, Charles looked up to the sky and said a silent prayer for his brother. Sam, even dear Sam who barely knew Scarlett, he at least knew not to give her pet names and he sighed as he moved to stand against the wall of a local shop and wait to see what would happen.

Scarlett turned on Jasper with ice in her eyes. No one called her pet names, no matter what the situation. Grinning a grin that could melt ice right before her. She walked right up to Jasper and once she made eye contact with him, he knew that he was in trouble.

"Allow me to clarify something Jasper. I am not your sugar, Hun, honey, love or any other sickening name you could possibly come up with in that little brain of yours. Even the day we say I do; I will never answer to those terms of endearment for they are false and that is the most disgusting thing you can do to me is bare false love. So, if you call me any of those names again and do not mean them, I will turn you from a rooster to a hen with one shot." Scarlett winked and then went back to walking.

Henry shrugged and followed her while Sam and Charles looked right at Jasper who looked as though he had just seen a ghost. He was white as a sheet. Whatever she had whispered to him, she had most definitely gotten the point through.

"I'd believe her, I've seen her shoot." Sam said raising his hands up in surrender and walking Scarlett's way.

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