Chapter 8 | Blood

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I cradle Jules cheek, pressing my lips on his. I feel his arms wrap around my neck, despite me being a woman and that should be my job. But he's so friggin short and I'm so friggin tall it doesn't matter at this point.

We kiss some more, my eyes fluttering open as I see his are closed. I closed mine quickly, kissing him some more as-.

Ha! Kidding that never happened.

Like hell would I make out with a Omega for that long or ever. A peck or something is fine.

"Hey Adele?" I look, the twins walking towards me in my office.


"Darren is here." I stand, sighing as I'm about to shock lots of people.

I walk out, seeing everyone staring as Darren walks in shyly yet confidently. I remember keeping his degrees because I'm not man enough to just throw them away.

"Okay everyone! I have something to say!" I gesture for him to come, and Darren walks towards me as he stands next to me. As everyone stares I smirk. Smirking cause I see Gabriel up here, in the corner, getting a small cup of water.

"Get used to this sight. Marvel and love it because Darren is your new co-CEO." I say, and cheers erupt as they clap excitedly. Jules and Ian are clapping too, Ian giving me a thumbs up and Jules at the coffee machine making me some coffee.

"Ms. Doyle is this some type of joke?" Someone asks, and Darren steps forward.

"This is not a joke. Things around here will get much better since I am in this position. She told me to tell her when she's out of line so if you all have suggestions speak at once."

Hands flew in the air, and I growled. Them dropping.

"Adele." Darren said in disappointment. I sighed, nodding. The hands came back up slowly, and I saw Gabriel had spilled his water.

"Is there a problem?" I walk towards him, and he glares at me as I get closer.

"That was my job! And you fucking demoted me to the bottom floor and I barely get paid as much as I was getting paid before!" He hissed, and I smiled.

"That's what you get," I turn around, not facing him,"cheaters don't get millions of dollars a year and get to keep such high positions." I spat, and as I walked on I felt something wet splash on the back of me.

I flip around, Gabriel holding a big cup of coffee in his hand. I heard gasps all around, and I heard the twins rush over.


"Get away from me." I growl, and Jules just looks at me. Ian backs up, and I start to feel claws growing as my skin starts to burn. The coffee starting to seep through my clothes.


"I said get away!" I shriek, and he does as I throw down my jacket, kicking off my heels as Gabriel has a smirk on his face.

"Aww. I remember when you did this for me when we were about to have-ARGH!" I punched Gabriel in the gut, my claws sinking into his stomach as his knees buckled. And as he started to fall I kneed him in the chin. His head jolting back as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Once he fell on his face my claws retracted back into my nailbeds. I turned around, everyone looking crazy and scared. But the ones that got me were the twins. Ian looked like he understood, but Jules looked frightened. Like he's never seen anyone like this.

"Someone get him and his stuff out of here." My voice a few octaves lower. A random man nods as they rush over. He picks him up, his stomach already healed but his nose was broken from falling straight on his face. But he'll heal.

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