Chapter 15 | Gettin' Wild

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"I'm trusting you right now."

"You can trust me."

"Can I? How do I know that you won't try overthrowing me?"

"Wouldn't dream of it Ma'am-."

"Stop calling me that I feel old as fuck."

Darren chuckles as do I as I stand near my car. The twins inside - sleeping as it's three in the morning. Got to get to Canada on the road, easier for me to understand who they are more in a confined space...while I drive.

"But really Adele. We might've had our issues back then. But this is now. You can trust me."

"I know I can." Because you're an Omega and can never overthrow me... Adele!!!

We nod, and he walks towards the building as I turn to the direction of my Escalade. Walking towards it as I sit in the back with the twins. The driver starting up the car as I see the GPS say 669 miles to go. We live in New York for crying out loud...

We're gonna be in here for a while...


"Ten bottles of milk on the wall, ten more bottles of milk! Take one down, pass it around, nine more bottles of milk on the wall!" Jules cheered, Ian clapping as I rubbed my temples in irritation.

"Come on Adele sing loud and proud! Be the singer Adele for us!!" Ian smiled, and I shook my head." Okay!"

"Nine bottles of milk on the wall, nine more bottles of milk! Take one down, pass it around, eight more bottles of milk on the-."

"Okay I think I get it! There's going to be zero milk bottles in the end!" I end, both of them pouting.

"What a sour way to end our lovely song."

"Thank goodness! I could not handle the rest of it. And to think you all started at a hundred and wasted four minutes of our lives that we can't get back." I state, making them roll their eyes.

"So, you never told us where we're going." Ian brings up - and I was hoping they'd just not say anything until we were actually in front of the place.

"We are going to a place."

They both look to one another excitedly, then frown.

"What place?"

"A place. That's not in America-."

"Is it in China?! I've always wanted to go there!" Jules interrupts happily, nodding excitedly.

"You do know China's on a separate continent...right?"

"It is?"

I forgot, these two haven't had proper education. Hmm...

"What's 2+2?"

"4." They said in a duh voice, and I should've known that's a cheesy question to ask.

"Okay smarty pants, 9 • 9?"

Jules face went red and Ian nodded off to the side. Then it was like he had a eureka moment.


"How'd you know?" I said in surprise, Jules still shocked that he got it.

"I've always been quick minded. I got this in the bag-."

"Okay. What's 12 • 12?"

"144." Ian said proudly with only thinking two seconds.

I then looked to Jules who looked dumbfounded.

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