Chapter 9 | How It All Started

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Adele, 16 Yrs. Old...

"You're the most good looking Omega I've ever seen..." I looked at the man as he smiled. My fingers traced his big hands as they were double in size of mine.


"Yes?" I hum, and Ivo grips my chin firmly as he looks into my eyes. I'm mesmerized by his hazel eyes that seem to read mine, then he shoves my face back. But I'm guessing it was an accident.

"I don't get it."

"Get what Ivo?"

"Hey what'd I say about calling me with that nickname?" He growls, and I giggle as he looks off." I'm confused on how I'm an Omega and you're an Alpha. It's clearly obvious who's more inferior in this room."

I think about it, Ivo is an Omega. A lucky good looking Omega that all the women want. But he chose me! I'm an Alpha, my whole family is. I thought my family was good looking, I can only imagine what his family looks like...

"I think it's the age difference." I whisper, and I know he heard me as a smirk comes on his face.

Ivo is almost fifteen years my senior. Twenty nine right now, and turning thirty in a few months.

"Age huh? Tell me,"he licks his lips, and grips my cheek as he kisses my jaw,"you said your dad was bringing in how much and you were giving me what?"

"Two million." I moan, and he pulls away, smirking.

"Let's up that to three."

"Three? My mom will wonder where this money is going towards-."

"Y'all a rich ass black family you'll figure it out!" He yells, and I jump, nodding." Good. So three?"


Ivo smiled, getting up as he stood from the couch.

"Isn't your dad home early?"

I blink, realizing that they think I'm hanging with friends.

"I completely forgot! Wait." I narrow my eyes at him, but he raises his hands in defense." I didn't tell you when he was coming. It's secret for security purposes."

Ivo rolls his eyes.

"Little girl stop glaring at me. You told me not to long ago-."

"I'm pretty sure I'd remember. Not to mention  - if we are already arguing - that you've been treating me like...poop!"

"'Poop'? Your sailor is resting on the poop deck my dear." I blushed, looking away as I don't like cussing, makes my mouth feel all dirty and stuff." And it's just your little girl imagination. I would never treat you horribly! I mean, you bought me this place!"

I look around at the place I got him. A Malibu mansion on the coast on the side of a mountain... cost almost more than five million. Good thing my parents didn't notice.

"I guess..." I grab my book bag, throwing it on my bag as Ivo pouts. He opens his arms and I can't help but run into them. Hugging him.

"I would never hurt you."


"Really. I mean, you are my bitch."

I look up at him, wondering if I heard wrong.

"You're what ?" My voice cracks as he pulls away from me, smiling.

"My bitch. You let me have sex with you anytime I want, you give me what I want, and in exchange - I keep all your family secrets. I was wondering how long it'd take, but I guess you're only a kid. You're always marveling at my body and face that you didn't notice I was fucking using-."

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