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Lmao, I realized I never told yall the HS Concert story, so here it is, if you don't wanna read it, that's fine lmaooo, it's a little long tbh

So, in high school me and my friend, lets call her Anna, me and Anna were obsessed with 1D, both of out favorites being Harry, I thing I loved him a little more, but whatevs. Anyways, when he announced his tour we literally almost died, and we had to buy tickets, so come 10 am when the tickets went on sale, we went online and got tickets! So we were going crazy, and we were so happy, I called my mother at lunch and almost cried because I was so excited. So, she told me that over the summer she was going to get a car and her license so that she could drive us from college, to Tower Theatre, which is approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes from my school I believe. So a 3 months before the concert my mom asked if she needed to drive us, and I just said yes, out of nowhere but told Anna that she should ask her family as back up just in case. So now skip a couple months and it's 2 weeks before my concert and my mother calls me and tells me that she can't take me to the concert because she started a new job and they won't let her take off because of training and has to be at work before 7 am everyday, and I wanted to be at the venue early the morning of the concert. So my mom had texted Anna's mom, and you wanna know what Anna's mom said????

She said: I had no idea Anna was going to a conert

I could've died right then and there. So my mom tells me that Anna's mom said that she can't drive all the way to Upper Darby because she had recently broken her foot. I'm not going to lie, I cried a little bit. So, Anna comes into our room one day and goes "Why didn't you tell me your mom couldn't take us to the concert?"

And I told her that I had only found out that morning, and that, which was true. So her mom asked her side of the family, because the only person I have is my mom, and all her family said no. I was so pissed, you don't understand, because she didn't do the one thing I asked her to do, and that was to ask her family so we had a back up. So I had gone home for the weekend, and I had started asking around if anyone wanted to buy my ticket because I was convinced that I wasn't going.

So, the day before I went back to school, we were driving around, and I was so upset, that my brother asked me if I wanted him to as his old friend from high school if she would like to trade a ticket for a ride. But it turned out she was going to the same concert I was going to, and said she was willing to pick me up if I wanted her to. I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my life, I literally sobbed, and thanked her for hours.

But the thing was, that I didn't want to push it and ask her if Anna could come, 1 because I was pissed off, and was not going to take all the responsibility for this, and 2 because she was going out of her way to come and get me. So come the day of the concert, my mo had picked me up the night before and I was at home already, so the girl, lets call her Franny, came to pick me up, and we drove to PA, we got there about 8 hours before the concert started so we had a lot of time to talk and what not, and she had told me that she wouldn't have been willing to get my friend because she didn't know her like she knew me, but anyways, while we're waiting in line, I got a text from Anna, asking me, if I went to the concert and when I said yes, she went ape shit on me, she kept saying how I wasn't actually her best friend if I believed it was okay to go to a concert without her, and I'm just here like, you're the one who put all the responsibility on me, and it was my ticket that i paid for so I could use it with or without her.

That's my story, still to this day, she still hasn't really talked to me that much, and it's coming on 2 months.

Now, on with the chapter :)

Just a reminder they met in August, so I'm going to say they started dating in September, that may get adjusted but idk


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