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It helped a little, but not much. Clint hauled me onto my feet and put one of my arms over his shoulder.

"What happened to him?" Clint asked as I struggled to regain my balance.

"He ran into a train car, and knocked himself out," Pietro informed.

Clint looked at me with a slight grimace, "Let's get him to the tower and take care of his concussion,".

I felt Clint wrap an arm around my waist as I passed out again.
I woke up in a bed, I felt something in my nose, and in my arm.

I felt a lot better than I had, I thought.

That was before I realized, I just got kidnapped by the Avengers...

I sat up, I didn't feel my concussion, so it'd probably healed.

The room was a soft gray and didn't have windows, only two doors.

I looked at my arm and saw an IV stretched to it, and there was what appeared to be an oxygen tube in my nose.

I removed the IV and started taking off the oxygen when someone walked in, "Hello Sean- you need that..." it was a tanner man with black hair.

I finished taking it off, and started getting up.

"I don't recommend using your speed, you don't have enough calories in your body right now,".

I looked at him warily, not sitting back on the bed.

"My name's Bruce Banner, how's your head?"

I lifted my hands, 'Fine,' I signed and looked at the door.

I wanted to go home, go to work, somewhere. Anywhere, as long as it wasn't here.

Bruce nodded his head, "Do you think you're well enough to talk with my team?"

I looked at the door again and signed, 'I want to go home,'.

Bruce waited a moment, "If you walk with my team, we'll talk about you going home okay?"

I nodded slowly, it should just be a talk or something right?

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