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I was moved into Charles' mansion not even a week later.

There was a boy, Kurt, who was blue and had a tail. He was one of my favorite mutants.

Kurt loved to sit in my room and feed my fish, watch TV with me, or he'd just talk.

His accent was a little hard to understand sometimes, but I managed.

Kurt also had a habit of dragging his friends in to meet me, I didn't mind.

Most of them seemed like they didn't want to be there though...
Today, Kurt seemed extremely enthusiastic as he ran in, his hands were behind his back.

"I have gotten a gift for you!" Kurt exclaimed as he darted over to my bed.

I smiled at him and he put his hands in front of him, revealing a little bamboo plant.

"It is a 'Lucky bamboo', it grows fast!" He enthused.

I smiled at him while his tail flicked back and forth excitedly.

He placed the bamboo plant on the table. It was in a cylinder vase with red glass rocks at the bottom.

Kurt sat on the guest chair, cross legged. Kurt only sat for a few moments before asking, "Would you like me to read to you?"

I nodded my head once and he hopped back onto his feet, moving over to my bookshelf.

"The professor helped me learn to read in English, he is very nice..." Kurt trailed off as he looked at all of my books.

"You have many books..." Kurt said, that was true.

I guessed he hadn't really looked at them before.

He skimmed through the titles, "I have not read many of these... Are they all good?" Kurt turned to look at me.

I nodded my head.

After a while, he grabbed the Hobbit.

He showed the cover to me and sat down when I nodded.

Kurt opened the book and started to read aloud.

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