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Clint played with the Newtons cradle I had on my desk for a while.

"What kind of books do you write?" He asked after a while.

'Many' I signed. I wrote fantasy usually, occasionally mystery and history with a twist.

"Are you going to order books with the card?"

I worried my lip, 'I do not want to be rude,' I informed.

He nodded and stood up, "I'll help you then," Clint moved to my side of the desk.

I minimized the book I'd been working on and the two of us got on Books-a-Million and Barnes and Noble's website.

Clint let me order whatever I wanted.

After a few hours, Clint invited me to a movie night with the team.

I agreed only after he said it was Harry Potter.

We were the last two down there, Natasha had saved Clint a seat.

The only other seat that was open was near the other speedster and his sister. Pietro and Wanda.

I sat on the floor by Clint's legs.

I was sure Natasha and Clint stared at me throughout the entire movie.
Steve and Tony insisted I stay after the movie to eat dinner.

The twins started to glare at me again when I gave in and agreed.

I sat as far away from them as possible, at a different table actually.

Everyone else sat at the dinner table, and I sat at the bar facing them.

Clint moved and sat by me, "Why don't you sit with the rest of us?" He asked me.

I shrugged and pushed my food around my plate, not meeting his gaze.

He frowned "Is it because of the twins? Because I can talk to them if they're bothering you,".

I continued to pick at my food.

Clint gave up with a sigh and started to eat.

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