Chapter 10- You're

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I wake up to something slimy on my face. I open my eyes to find a small brown and black puppy on top of me. I laugh and pick it up, pulling it away from my face. I see he has bright blue eyes. "Where did you come from little one?" I ask.

"I got him for you." I jump when I hear Damien's voice speak from the door way. I look over at him and then back to the puppy. "What's his name?" I ask, confused on why he would get me a dog, even if it's a very cute doggy.

"I haven't named him, I was hoping you would." He says. I set the the dog down and it curls up at the end of the bed and yawns. I look at Damien, "why did you get a dog?" I ask him.

He sighs and looks at the puppy sleeping, "I know I have been a bit... rough-" I scoff, cutting him off, "a bit? More like a lot." I say quietly. Damien glares at me, "I will let that pass this time, as I was saying I know I have been a bit rough but I thought a dog could let you have company for when I'm not here." He says.

I stare at the puppy and smile softly at something so innocent, "Okay...thank you." I tell Damien, he just nods, "you need to get him potty trained and name him." Then he leaves, closing the door behind him.

I move down the bed and softly pet his fluffy fur. He perks his head up and licks my hand. I grimace at the slobber and wipe it on the bed, making a mental note to tell Damien's maid to change the bed cover.

I start thinking of names for him. "Hey boy, what should your name be? Huh?" It already feels natural to talk to him like a human. The puppy crawls over on to my lap and lays down. I pet him some more until he falls alseep.

Name? Why did I have to name him? I suck at names. Snowflake? No. Duke? No. I go through list of names. I smile when I finally think of the perfect one.


I always loved that name. "Loki, hey boy." I coo to the puppy. He barks and my smile grows. I guess he likes that name too. I get off the bed and head to the door

"Loki, you wanna go on a walk? Let's go ask Damien." I pat my thigh, telling the puppy to come. He follows, wagging his tail.

I come into the living room and see Damien. He is sitting on the couch, looking at some papers with a beer. "Damien, may I take him on a walk?" I ask.

He looks up to me, "I will come with you." He says, getting up and starts walking towards me. I take a step back out of caution.

"No, it's okay. I can take him alone." I say, trying to convince him not to go with us. Damien stops walking, "It's either I go with you or you can have the body guards following you." He says. He probably thinks I will choose him over the guards.

"I will take the body guards." I say. His smug look vanishes. Damien huffs, sitting down. He waves his hand, signalling for me to leave.

I was about to leave when I realized that Loki doesn't have a collar or leash. "Damien, where's his leash and collar?" I ask him nervously.

"Kitchen." He grunts, not bothering to take his eyes off the tv. I head to the kitchen to find a black collar with spikes and a black leash. I cringe when a I see the collar, already hating it.

I sigh and grab them, attaching it all to Loki who is jumping around, excited. I bring him to the front door and open it. Stepping out with Loki by my side, I start to walk.

I take few steps when I notice Damien's bodyguards behind me. I expected one, maybe two but not five! I shake my head and keep walking. I get outside and just walking, acting like the body guards aren't behind me. I get to the next block when one of the men stops me.

"M'am, you can't go beyond this point. Mr.Kinglsey said so." He says, giving me a small smile. I stare at him and then look at the other four men, they all just stare ahead with blank faces.

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