Chapter 19- You're

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Damien's POV

"Now tell me, how and where is she?" I question

Collen sits up some more before starting, "Well it was a bit difficult at first but we got a trace from a security camera at a bus station not far from here." He continues telling me everything from the beginning. Some sweat rolls down the side of his face and I now notice he has seemed uncomfortable the whole time telling me his story.

"Great, now tell me where she is." I say excitedly, feeling like I can't live without Olivia for another minute, this last month has been miserable. I'm not sure how I have lived happy before I saw her in that store being man handled by that prick.

Speaking of him, I am glad I got him sent away, far away from my Olivia. A little bit of money to his parents convinced them to send him to a boarding school for a couple of years that should show him not to mess with someone else property.

"Yes, lets get going then. We have a bit of a drive. The place she has settled apparently has no airport anywhere near it. I do have to say, the beach there is beautiful." He says absentmindedly while walking towards the door, me behind him.

I stop, "What? You have been there already? What did you do?" I question him, feeling my anger surface. If he touched a single hair on her body, I'm going to-

"I had to be there to make sure it was her before coming to you of course. I didn't want to get your hopes up." He's says like its nothing.

I grip on to his shoulder before he can leave my office. "You better not have touched her." I say threateningly, I grip him harder on his shoulder until I see him wince slightly. I waited for his answer.

"I didn't! I only looked to see if it was her, nothing else. I promise." He says and steps out of my death grip. I nod stiffly and we stand there glaring at each other. I walk past him, purposely bumping into his shoulder.

We get to my limo and I wait for the driver to open the door for me. Getting in, I instantly grab me a glass of whiskey as Collen got in the car. We sat silently as the car starts to move with Collen giving my driver the address.

I let a small chuckle slip as Collen sits back, how dense can he be to let him think we will drive all the way there with us two in the car. I look out the window as we come to the destination that will be Collen stop to get out.

"What's going on? We need to get going if we wanna get to Olivia sooner rather then later." He says, looking around confused on why we stop. I turn to him with a hard glare on my face, "Just dropping off some extra baggage." I say, right before Collen's side door opens and hands drag him out roughly.

I get out of the car and come around to meet Collen, "Did you really think we were actually going to drive there together? This is your stop while I'm going to pick up my Olivia." I say and the man holding Collen dragged him inside one of the hotels I invest in. They can hold him and not disturb my plans again.

Sitting back in the car, I wait for everything to be settled before saying that its time to start driving again. We don't drive very far again and come to a stop about 10 minutes later. What Collen does not know is that I cant wait any longer to see my little Olivia. The little town she is in might not have a airport but it surely most have a helipad or some space to land.

Looking up at the helicopter, I grin at the soon to come excitement rush. I also chose this way so when I come back with Olivia, she will be nice and snug next to me. Quickly hoping on and buckling up, I give a thumbs up to the pilot and we soon take off.

Feeling the slight breeze of air pass through my hair. I run my hand through my growing hair, feeling like I need a haircut. I sit back some and relax as best as I can in a helicopter. Between the annoying sound of the blades and my growing desire to have my Olivia in my arms.

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