Chapter Six - Trip to a Teacher's?

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He unlocked the door and invited me inside. I shuffled in far enough so he could shut the door behind me. I peered around the beautiful apartment. It wasn't anything special, but already I could tell it was at least ten times nicer than my shitty little place. As he ventured towards the music room, I continued to wander around the living room and kitchen. His house - well apartment - didn't look at all as I expected. 

I imagined that he would live in a massive white penthouse suite with glass windows and fine art being hung on the wall, and a beautiful tidy wife somehow fitting in. To my surprise, the walls were multicolored. Some were red, some where blue, either way it looked stunning. On the walls were posters for some bands. Like in his office, there were framed articles and on the shleves were family photos. I paid no attention to the photos and focused that excess attention on the articles. They were all about a band called "Smart Azz". The name sounded familiar. 

"Cassie come on, I've got all the music out!" He called. I walked down the hall into the first door on my left as he said, and I sat down on the piano bench beside him.

"Before we start playing, what is this all about?" I asked seriously.

"What do you mean?" 

"That random outburst on how you are my private piano teacher? How the hell is my mom paying for this? And if she's not, how the hell did you convince her it was free?" I began panicking.

"Well, that's what I was going to talk to you about. I haven't technically discussed with your mother," he said timidly, "basically, I told her I'd provide you with a piano and give her payment and location details later.." I stopped questioning him and we began practising the two pieces I was meant to learn by next Friday.  

By the time we had successfully learnt the two pieces, it was 3 o'clock. I had 9 missed calls. "One second," I said excusing myself. 

I looked through them. Good, none of them were from my mom. Okay, she was taken care of, she knows I'm spending Saturday at school. Ah, 4 of them were from Gracie, 5 were from Milly. I was about to call one of them back when I recieved an incoming call. "Hello?" I said picking up the phone.

"Cassie! Where the hell are  you? Caitlyn and Iris just got back! Ah, I want you to meet them!" screamed Milly. 

"Who are they?" I asked confused.

"The other girls in our dorm! They always arrange parties with the boys' school! Come back soon where are you?"

I thought of a resonable answer without lying to them, "I'm at a piano lesson after orchestra, I have to go -  the teacher's getting cross. Bye!" Then Mr. Todd walked in, "Oh it was just some friends on the phone!"

"Wasn't asking," he defended.

"Well then," I laughed. He came over and sat beside me on the sofa. I took one of the articles down from the wall behind me. "Who are they?" I asked.

"They are me and my band a few years ago," he laughed, "I was probably nine-teen in that picture." He pointed the the handsome lead singer and gutairist. 

"Woah!" I shreiked, "do you have a concert anytime soon? Can I see it?" I asked eagerly.

"No, the band split up two years ago when I was twenty-three," he sighed, "if you come by my office on Monday, I could show you some songs if you're that bothered."

"Trust me, I am!" I scooted in closer to him. 

"So what brings you to New York?" 

"Do you want to hear the story I've been telling people, or what actually happened?" I asked somewhat seriously. He smiled and looked into my eyes as he replied, "Which ever you prefer."

I sighed. I trusted him enough to tell him the truth, "Well, last summer, I went away to a camp my mom worked at, which happened to be sleepaway. We were gone for about a week, well, I was. I caught something when I was at the camp, so my mom sent me home early. And when I got home, my dad was in bed with some girl or whatever. I mean they weren't doing anything,well when I walked in, they were asleep. I just couldn't keep it from my mom though. Well, my dad didn't think I knew, which made it all the harder when I told her, 'cause it was my words against his. Finally, he did admit it, but you know.."

 He looked into my eyes. Those soft and sweet eyes had me stunned. Almost as if it were against my will I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him. He waited a second before pulling away. "Cassie, please, no," he begged. I sat there in the awkward silence before kissing him again. This time he didn't resist. He kept kissing me and kissing me. I thought it wouldn't end until fate pulled us apart. If we had kept at it any longer who knows what mess we could've gotten into. "I think it's time to go," he said sternly.

Frantically I searched for a piece of paper and began writing. "What the hell are you doing?" he asked.

"Writing my number down," I said handing him the sheet of paper, "call me, wontcha?"

"No, Cassie, I won't."

"Yes, you will, take it!" I insisted.

"And what if I don't?"

I looked at him. Why did I like him so much? In the end of the day he was a dick! "Fine, whatever, bye!" I said and stormed out. I expected him to at the last minute come back out after me, but to my surprise I was left to find my way back to school on my own. Shit! I didn't think that one through, he was meant to take me back to the school. With a grasp of dignity, I knocked on door 239. He unlocked it. "Yes, Cass?" 

"I-" I took a deep breath and finished, "need you to walk me back to school.."

He sighed, "Yeah sure."

The two of us left his apartment, silent all the way till we walked out on the pavement. I broke the silence and asked, "So what's your actual name?" 

"Braedon," he replied immeadiately. 

"Ah, that's a nice name," I said.

"Thanks, it's my grandad's name," he said again emotionlessly. He started talking to me like just a student again. 

"I never got to know my grandparents, well on my dad's side."

"That's too bad," he said. We walked along the streets together again in silence. Then we approached the large silver gates. He buzzed us in with his teacher ID card. "I suppose you know where to go?" 

"Yeah, thanks though," I said grinning up at him.

This time, he didn't return the smile and gave a small wave and walked off into the distance. 

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