The New Kid

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Love is a Game. Do you play with luck or skill?


Haru Nakamura, homeroom teacher of class 1-B looked out onto the sea of students that littered the classroom. Class had officially started fifteen minutes ago yet not one student had paid him any attention, save for the more obedient ones such as the quiet detective and the stoic maid. He had tried calling out for their attention but none of them had heard his quiet voice and due to his naturally anxious nature he couldn't bring himself to speak at higher volumes. He sighed and was about to give up when one of his students approached him.

"You seem vexed, do you wish for me to gather their attention?"

Ah, thank god for Kirumi. Despite the fact that she normally took orders instead of giving them out, if anyone could round up the rowdy group of teens it was definitely her. Mr. Nakamura gave a small embarrassed smiled and nodded, "Yes please." The silver haired girl then proceeded to face the rest of the class, raise her fingers to her mouth and let out an ear splitting whistle that cut off all on-going conversations. Immediately everyone turned to look at the source of the noise only to be met with their classmate's icy glare. "Class has already started, everyone return to your seats immediately."

One by one all the students began to shuffle to their respective places and once they were all seated Mr. Nakamura nervously cleared his throat. This was his first year teaching and despite that they were already half done with this school year he couldn't get over the feeling of having sixteen pairs of eyes watching him.

"A-ah thank you Kirumi. Before we begin with today's class I have some rather exciting news for you all. It may seem a bit late in the year but today we're getting a new student! They'll be arriving soon so I ask that when they show up you all will be on your best behavior and leave a good impression-"

Before the poor man had a chance to finish his sentence the class erupted into a chorus of varying noises in response to the news.

"A new student! Atua foresaw this happening!"

"Is it a girl? It better be a girl! I refuse to have this class overrun by males!"

"But the gender ratio is evenly divided at the moment..."

"All right! The company here was beginning to get a bit stale, boy or girl, I'll be the first one to befriend them!"

"Why would they be friends with a loser like you? No one wants to hang out with a pervy virgin!"

Just before an argument was about to break out the sudden knocking at the classroom door caught everyone's attention and they immediately shut up. The door quietly slid open and in stepped a teenager branding the school's uniform. Everyone silently stared at the mysterious student and it remained like that for a few moments before the student in question looked directly into teacher's eyes with an unidentifiable expression.

"O-oh! Umm you must be the new student right? Please come here and introduce yourself!" The nervous teacher stuttered out as he seemed to be caught off guard by your sudden entrance. The student walked over to stand closer to the front center of the classroom before giving a formal bow.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all. I am Y/N L/N, the ultimate entrepreneur, I look forward to working with you all."

The short introduction was followed by another period of silence before the teacher nervously spoke up once more. "T-thank you! If you please, take a seat at any empty table, there's plenty of seats to choose from!"

The student nodded and began to walk towards the seats prompting everyone began to tense up. Most classrooms only had sixteen tables set in a four by four pattern but because one of their classmates tended to be on the larger side he couldn't fit in a standard chair. To accommodate for this problem the class had been assigned to a larger classroom with an appropriate sized table and chair for the giant student. Along with the classroom size came four extra seats that were scattered around the classroom. Four empty spots. A one out of four chance that the new student would sit next to them and they would be the first one to talk to the newcomer.

As you passed by the front two rows a few people visibly deflated that you hadn't chosen to sit next to them yet kept their eyes glued on you curious to see where you would choose to sit. When you finally set your bag down many furrowed their eyebrows in confusion at your choice. You had chosen to sit all the way in the back of the classroom right next to the gentle giant. After sitting down you looked over to the large teen and had given him the first smile anyone had seen since you had arrived. The gesture was followed by a soft, "I hope you don't mind me sitting here." to which the latter shook his head in response.

Before anyone could say or do anything the teacher quickly took hold of the situation and picked up a piece of chalk. "Well let's begin today's class. Everyone please open up your math textbook and flip over to page..."


Ah I'm sorry for the short intro but I felt that was a good place to stop! Just so you guys know I don't have a solid updating schedule but once I manage to figure something out I'll let you guys know!

Before I continue the story here's a few things I'd like to bring up:

1) As you can probably guess this is a high school AU so no unhappy murder times here :')

2) Reader is gender neutral so everyone can enjoy. Originally reader was supposed to be female but male viewers out there need some Kokichi loving too! Though I've heard keeping stories gender neutral is pretty tough I plan to do whatever I can to make it happen!

3) Reader has a set talent. My biggest pet peeve is when multichaptered stories mention reader's talent once, never bring it back up again and focus on the character hookup. I hate this because that's taking away a huge chunk of what Danganronpa is. So before you ask why entrepreneur, you'll find out when the time comes, it's a plot point ;)

4) Teacher is an OC but don't worry he has no important role, the class just needs a teacher so I made one lol

Anyways sorry for the excessive information, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up so you'll understand why I write things a certain way. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter even if it was short and hope you'll stick around! <3

Love is a Game - Kokichi Ouma x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now