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Love is a Game. Do you play with luck or skill?


School was horrible.

The tardy bell hadn't even rung and you already found yourself annoyed by today's events. You and a strange boy had bumped into each other at the school's gate, normally this wouldn't have bothered you if it weren't for the fact that the kid had been carrying around a bottle of open soda. You immediately took note that the bottle was fizzing from the top, obviously it had been used in some type of prank but the clash between the two of you had resulted in a large purple stain adorning your school uniform. Annoyed you looked up from your clothes ready to give the kid a piece of your mind for running around with open liquids in his hands until you had gotten a good look at him. The strange boy was shorter than you, had dark purple locks that adorned his youthful face and his eyes were the most lovely color of violet.


Before you had a chance to say anything the kid burst into tears and began to apologize insisting he hadn't meant to stain your clothes. Flustered at the reaction and embarrassed at the looks you were receiving from passerbys you quickly told him that it was okay, it was just an accident. As if on cue the crying stopped and he flashed you a playful smile. "Is that so? Glad I didn't have to crank up the waterworks hehe!" Before you could even react to the sudden change he ran off and as you stared at him in bewilderment a few seconds later you heard loud shouting behind you. You turned to see another student, one you didn't even recognize, run at full speed towards the gate yelling profanities. Ah there you saw it. The student who was yelling also had a purple staining on their clothes however compared to you their situation was much worse. They must have been the one to have been on the receiving end of the boy's prank. Seeing how there was nothing you could do now you trudged towards your class.

On your way you had made a quick stop at the bathroom and attempted to wash the stain out of your blazer but the water could only do so much. Realizing that the stain could only be removed with the help of a washing machine you folded up the blazer and stuffed it into your bag. Luckily this school didn't seem to be so strict on dress code so walking around with your dress shirt would be fine.

You entered the classroom the moment the first bell of the day rang and you made your way to your seat meanwhile responding back to the classmates who had greeted you with a good morning. Once seated you closed your eyes and rubbed at your temples focusing every bit of energy on preventing an oncoming headache. Just when you began to relax a voice pulled you out of your thoughts.

"Hey you're sitting in my seat."

Oh fuck you thought and immediately stood up to apologize but when you saw the person who had called you out your eyebrows furrowed.

"You're the one from this morning!" You spat pointing to the boy in front of you with an accusatory finger. The purple haired boy stared at you for a few moments before smirking in a way that angered you even further. "I remember you! Thanks to your hold up I almost got caught by the guy who was chasing me. You saw how mad he looked? If you think that was funny you should have seen his face the moment the soda exploded onto his face!" The boy laughed a bit more before he wiped a tear from his eye. "But really that's my chair, move." Just as you were getting ready to fight back another voice interrupted your conversation.

"Don't listen to him Y/N, he's just messing with you."

You looked over to see Maki, who had apparently just arrived, place her bag in the seat in front of you. "He wasn't here yesterday so you probably don't know him but that's Kokichi Ouma, the class brat." She slightly turned and pointed towards the front of the classroom. "His seat is over in second row between Rantaro and Kirumi but he takes advantage of the fact that the teacher doesn't care about seating arrangements so he moves to the back to bother us."

Love is a Game - Kokichi Ouma x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now