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I couldn't feel my legs anymore. My lungs were burning. The area around my spleen hurt. My entire body ached, every muscle was painfully sore even the ones I didn't even know I had.

"C'mon, Jade! We're almost there," Noah encouraged me, running next to me.

How did he do it? There wasn't a drop of sweat on him, he wasn't even panting as if we were merely taking a walk in the park while I felt like my heart would give out any second.

I came to a stop to catch my breath, leaning over to press my hands on my knees. A sudden wave of dizziness swept over me and I had to pinch my eyes closed - I felt like everything was spinning and if I didn't block those images I was going to throw up.

"Hey, you alright?" Noah asked me as he rubbed my back.

"Does it look like I'm alright?"

He chuckled and lead me to a bench so I could sit down. "Here, drink this." He passed me a bottle of water which I gladly accepted, drinking it down like I had been living in the desert for the past year. "Hey, slow down you're gonna make yourself sick." He made an attempt to grab the bottle but I turned away, letting the water refresh me until my stomach felt like I had swallowed a brick.

"Where's Tristan?" I wondered out loud.

Noah looked around the fairly empty park, spotting our brother with Penelope far ahead. Say what you want about them but these two were definitely made for each other - they were both athletic and loved to exhaust their body for some reason. Freaks.

"I wanna go home," I whined, dropping my head on Noah's shoulder.

He lifted his hand to softly pat my cheek in sympathy. "I know."

"I hate this!"

"I know," he said again and I could practically hear him smile.

Sunday mornings were usually my favorite mornings - quiet, no rush, I got the TV all to myself until Mister Tristan Moore had to ruin it for everybody. Penelope was a health freak just like Jordan and she always loved to work out in the morning. When she started dating Tristan she practically forced him to join her and much to my surprise he actually grew to like it. And I had absolutely no problem with that until the jerk involved us too.

Jordan of course never complained, he already worked out every morning. Though he wasn't with us right now because he got called in to work, the lucky bastard. Noah never protested either because he always loved to exercise - he couldn't possibly be related to me. Ashton and I definitely were related because we both weren't the sporty type. Some would say we were lazy, which we're not - okay, maybe we are. Yeah alright I admit, we are lazy and hate everything that requires us to actually use some energy. But Ashton of course always had an excuse not to participate, most of the times he just made sure he wasn't home. Me on the other hand, not so lucky.

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