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They say you can't buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream and that's kinda the same thing. I was swinging back and forth on the swing, the tops of my feet dragging into the sand. It was freezing outside but I didn't care cause I had my strawberry flavored ice cream. I don't care what anybody else says, it's never too cold for ice cream. Never.

The girls and I were currently at the park. School was over and we didn't have any homework to do so we decided to chill a little. Next to me Anna was swinging in the air while Olivia pushed her. Lauren and Sophie were sitting on a bench right in front of us. And Kylie was chatting my ears off as usual.

"Oh my god. It was soooo hot. The way he tore off his shirt, and his muscles bulged. It was like that guy from the Coca-Cola commercial."

I turned my head to look at Kylie, seeing her stare up the sky with a dreamy look.

"Seriously Jade, we're so jealous of you right now," Olivia commented.

I rolled my eyes as I took another bite from my ice cream. "Hellooo! Need I remind you that I was suffering from a nose bleed?"

Kylie sighed. "And the way he came to your aid like you were some damsel in distress and he was gonna be your savior."

I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "I wasn't a damsel in distress. And you girls need to get your heads out of the clouds, it wasn't that hot. So what, you've never seen a guy without his shirt on?"

"This wasn't just a guy, it was coach Thomas. He's smoking. Even the teachers talk about him," Sophie said.

"Sophie the man could be your dad."

She gave me a look like I had grown a second head. "If you don't think coach Thomas is hot then something's seriously wrong with you."

"Maybe your eyesight is just terrible," Anna said.

"My eyesight is perfectly fine." Thank you very much. "I'm not saying he's bad looking, he's handsome but he's not that handsome either."

"But have you seen his abs," Kylie pressed.

"So?" I shrugged. "What's so special about that?"

Olivia stopped pushing Anna and switched with her. "You know Jade, maybe he's not your type."

"Yeah," Anna agreed. "Maybe you fall for a different kind of boys."

"All boys suck - they smell, they're loud and rowdy, they never wear matching socks, they eat everything, and they never clean up after themselves."

Kylie pulled a face. "You make them sound like animals."

"That's exactly what they are! You should come live a day at my house and see what I go through every day."

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