The Perfect Place for History

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The Perfect Place for History

The more I thought about it, the less likely it seemed. In my dream, Alice looked just as she does today. But the fire happened when I was eleven. That was seven years ago. Alice would have had to age as well, meaning that my rescuer couldn't have actually been her. It's actually quite preposterous. Alice couldn't even pick me up if she tried to. She's so petite that I probably would have crushed here even when I was only eleven.

Feeling incredibly silly at my own wishful thinking, or dreaming as it were, I looked over at my clock to see what time it was. 5:56. Still early, but late enough that I wouldn't be able to get much sleep if I tried to lay back down. I decided that the best course of action would be to just get up and start getting ready for school. I realized that I had enough time to take a long, hot shower, so I did just that, taking advantage of my extra time. Half an hour later, clean, dry, and dressed, I made my way downstairs to grab something for breakfast before I headed off to school. Looking into the cabinets reminded me once again that there is no food fearie and that I still need to go grocery shopping soon. Sighing at my still nearly diminished food supply, I grabbed a granola bar and headed out to my truck.

Apparently it had rained the night before. And rain in cold weather never ends well for the uncoordinated. The walkway had patches of ice covering it all the way to where I parked my truck. Trying to avoid falling, I paid plenty of attention to where I was stepping, but still managed to slip a few times. Incredibly glad that no one was outside to watch my failed attempt at being graceful, I finally made it to my truck, pulling myself in and getting ready to drive off. My truck seemed to have other ideas, though. The thing wouldn't start. Groaning angrily, I smacked the steering wheel in frustration, hoping that the truck would just magically start up. When it didn't, I threw the door back open and climbed out. Stupidly, though, I didn't watch where I was stepping and landing directly on a sheet of ice.

"Seriously?" I yelled to no one in particular after I had fallen flat on my ass. I let my head fall back against my truck and shut my eyes. I didn't want to get up from there, and I had no intention of doing so unless someone or something made me.

"Isn't the ground a bit cold?" Startled, I opened my eyes to look into the face of who was speaking to me. And enter Alice Cullen into this lovely day.

"Yes, it is. But I find it quite calming on my bruised pride." Alice looked at me oddly before deciding that it was all right to laugh at my scowl.

"Well then, I could just leave you there, I guess. But it looked like you were having some car trouble, so if I may be so bold, I would like to invite you to ride with me to school today," Alice replied, being as polite as ever even with that knowing smirk on her face. I didn't want to be rude, but today was probably the worst day for her to come see me so early.

I tried to answer as politely as possible, which ended up being not very. "Thanks, but no thanks. I don't think that your family would approve of that." She looked a little hurt at that, but still held out her hand to help me up as I was struggling to my feet. I brushed off the back of my pants, hoping that I didn't tear them, and then refocused on the girl standing in front of me. "What are you doing here anyway?"

She seemed to think this through for a moment before she answered me, almost as if she had to come up with a story as to why she was standing in front of me. "I was on my way to school from my house. I just happened to drive past your home as you began to climb back out of your truck." I didn't believe in coincidences, and my expression must have said that clearly. "Honest, I was just driving by."

Deciding that I couldn't really disprove what she was saying, I nodded slowly both agreeing to her offer and saying that I believed her story. She seemed very excited by this and literally skipped over to her car. But it wasn't just a skip. It was the most elegant skip that I have ever seen, a dance, almost. Of course Alice would be able to do that, though. After all, she is Alice Cullen. I made my way over to her as she held the door open for me, watching where I was stepping. What seemed like eternity later, I had made it to her car and was settled in the passenger's seat. After getting in I realized that this wasn't just a car. This was, like, a piece of art. And what a piece of art it was. A yellow Porsche 911 Turbo through and through. It was amazing. Alice seemed to notice my gawking as she climbed into the driver's seat because she grinned smugly at me.

"You like?" She asked as if she had to. I nodded quickly, still taking in my surroundings. It was beautiful, to say the least. She giggled at my silence and started the car. "So what you said about my family earlier..."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have said what I did. It wasn't my place." I cut her off before she could continue, fearing that she was upset about what I said.

"No, no. It's all right. I just wanted to explain to you that my family is just misunderstood. Sort of. They all acted completely unacceptably yesterday, and they know it. And on behalf of them, I'd like to apologize for the scene in the cafeteria." I stared at her, surprised by her apology. I honestly wasn't expecting it.

I figured replying would probably be a good reaction, given that she was glancing at me out of the corner of her eye worriedly. "Of course it's alright. Well, it's not all right that they made a scene, but I guess I can't really blame them. I did kind of steal their sister for a while. I'd be upset, too." Alice seemed to ponder this for a moment before responding.

"Thanks a lot, Bella. That's really kind of you. I sure that they'd love you if they met you, but we're all very close and never really venture out of our own family for acquaintances." I nodded understandingly. Before I met Alice, I had been kind of stand offish as well. So, I understood where they were coming from. I told her just that and she looked at me queerly. "You've got to be kidding me. You're, like, completely likeable. How could you not have a lot of friends?"

I took a deep breath before answering her. This was a conversation that I was hoping wouldn't come any time soon, but I guess it had to happen eventually. Just as I was about to speak, Alice pulled the car to a stop just outside of school grounds. She looked at me sadly before she spoke again.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's quite alright. I was just curious." She seemed so sincere as she said this and I couldn't help but try and comfort her. I reached over the center counsel, gently placing my hand upon hers that rested in her lap.

"No, it's fine. It's just a long story, and I don't think that we'll have enough time before school starts."

She seemed to have an idea just then as she perked up quickly. "Then why don't we skip today." It was more of a statement than a question. Almost as if she knew what my answer would be already. I agreed with a small laugh as she pulled away from the curb and back onto the road heading away from the school.

Five minutes later, and I couldn't help but asking. "So where are we going, anyway?"

"Well you'll just have to wait and see." She winked at me and I couldn't help the small blush that rose on my cheeks. Alice just does that to me. It can't be helped. I shrugged at her mysterious answer, trying to make it seem like I wasn't as curious as I was. She laughed at this as she continued to speed down the road.

In the quiet, I thought about all I wanted to tell Alice. And in that time, my dream flashed before my eyes again. I scoffed at my own stupidity in believing that Alice could have been my savior and looked out the window. I'm not sure if Alice noticed my action, but if she did, she didn't mention it.

The rest of the car ride was silent. My thoughts consumed me, and Alice... well, I didn't know what Alice was thinking at all

Fire's AngelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant