ExBest Friend?

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ExBest Friend?

"You're evil."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Maybe a little..."

"Psh. There's no 'maybe a little' about it. You're absolutely evil."

"Eh. Maybe you're right." Alice grinned at me and shrugged nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes at her apparent acceptance of this.

"Oh, I know I'm right. You are pure evil." This wasn't the first time that we've had this conversation since Alice's little teasing game began. Nor was that the last time that she did something like that. Everything she's been doing just added to the torture. A hand on my thigh while we're driving down the road, a soft kiss on the back of my neck as she hugs me from behind, something said with just a hint of innuendo... everything she did, she did with purpose. And it was slowly driving me insane, much to her pleasure.

"I haven't heard you complaining." Alice smirked at me with a quick wink.

"Oh yes you have. You just choose to ignore it." Her smirk quickly became a pout as she lowered her head. She looked up at me through her eyelashes.

"I can stop if you want me to... I didn't know you disliked it that much..." Of course she was going to play that card.

I tried to avoid eye contact because I knew that as soon as I looked at her I'd cave. It wasn't working well at all. I chanced a quick glance at her to see if she was still pouting and couldn't find any will left in me to keep up my argument.

"Ali... You know it's not that I don't like it. It's just-" I didn't get to finish as Alice interrupted me with a bright-up-the-darkness smile before quickly skipping over to me and giving me a chaste kiss.

"I knew it," she said as her smile got unbelievably wider. I rolled my eyes at her trying to hide the smirk that was forcing its way onto my face.

"Yeah, whatever," I mumbled out, turning away from her and crossing my arms when my first attempt failed.

Alice 'tsk'ed at this before moving so that she was in front of me again.

"And what exactly are you trying to do, Miss Bella?" I raised an eyebrow at the surname.

"Really, Alice? Miss?" I smirked as she glared playfully at me.

"What can I say?" she shrugged before laying on a thick southern accent. "I guess my southern roots are coming out in me."

I couldn't contain my laughter as Alice winked at me. "Well, ma'am," I said with an incredibly fake accent, mocking Alice's real one and making her giggle. "I do believe that you promised me a ride back to my place." Alice instantly sobered up at that.

Earlier that morning I had told Alice that I wanted to go visit Jake to see if he was all right. I had been trying to call him ever since the bonfire, but like before, Billy said that he was sick and couldn't come to the phone. I didn't know what sickness lasted for three weeks, but I wanted to see my friend. Jake would have done the same for me, so I figured I wouldn't get in too much trouble by visiting him.

Obviously, Alice hadn't really liked the idea. I can't really say I know why, but as soon as I mentioned it the first time, Alice clammed up, much like now, refusing to even look at me for minutes. I figured she may have been looking into the future for what I could only assume to be the mystery vampire that's been plaguing everyone's thoughts, so I let her be until she decided to break the silence.

"I don't know if I can let you do that right now, Bella..." Alice mumbled out, not looking at me, but watching her hands in her lap instead. Dread instantly filled me, worried that her original vision would be coming true if I were to go.

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