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I didn't get a chance to answer Carlisle. Jasper broke in right as I was about to tell him that I had heard most, if not all, of the Quileute legends before.

"We have company, Carlisle." He was glaring out the back door, watching for something that I couldn't see. I heard that Jasper always did have the best senses.

Everyone's heads turned in the same direction, scowls and looks of concern adorning their faces. I continued to look out the back door, hoping to see what they were glaring at. I soon became frustrated with being left out of what was happening yet again.

"What are you all looking-" I was cut off by a man walking into the clearing behind the Cullen house. "Sam...?" I asked, confusion clear in my tone.

Soon, others began to join him, falling in line parallel to the trees behind them. There were a total of five men, before a final joined them moments later. He stopped just behind Sam and to the right. I stood up abruptly once he was in view, realizing it was Jake. I was flooded by my anger from earlier today and glared at him through the glass. I then felt a wave of calm directed at me from Jasper, but pushed it off stubbornly.

Alice stood along with me, grabbing my hand in hers. The others followed immediately, each standing and glaring out the window. We all waited stiffly to see what would happen. Not wanting to wait any longer, Carlisle took the lead and walked to the door, opening it and walking out calmly. Esme followed suite quickly, leading out Jasper and Edward. Emmet had to pull along a reluctant Rosalie who was complaining about some stink that she could already smell from them. I wasn't paying much attention to them, though.

"Go upstairs," Alice said next to me. I looked over at her, shocked that she would even suggest such a thing. She was staring back at me, a stern look in her eyes as they began to darken in shade. "Bella, please don't argue with me. Just go." I shook my head, refusing to move anywhere except out the door with her and the rest of her family. Alice squeezed my hand, a desperate look in her eye. "Please, Bella. This could get dangerous. Just listen to me this once." Again, I shook my head. Alice began to look more and more desperate as she turned to face me completely and grabbed my other hand in her free one.

I spoke before she could say anything. "No, Alice. I'm coming with you." Alice opened her mouth to argue, but I pulled my hands out of hers and began to walk outside where the others were waiting. I heard Alice huff behind me before I felt her hand in mine once again, accepting defeat gracefully.

"Fine, but please go if I tell you to," she whispered to me right before we walked through the door. I didn't respond, knowing already that I wouldn't leave her side if something were to happen. Alice sighed beside me, understanding what my lack of response meant.

Sam was already speaking when we made it to the others.

"-dangerous for her-," he said, speaking directly to Carlisle. I knew instantly what he was talking about, but chose to ignore him as my gaze fell on Jacob. He was standing slightly behind Sam, his hands clasped behind his back, looking more professional that I have ever seen him, even with his lack of a shirt. I quickly glanced around at all the others and realized that they all looked similar - short hair, muscular, no shirt, and standing at attention. I turned too look back at Jacob to find that he seemed to be struggling to keep from looking at me, almost as if he had some restraint on him that held him in place.

The conversation around me rose in volume, causing my attention to fall from Jacob to the angry people surrounding me. I took in everyone's expressions quickly, trying to figure out what had caused such an uproar.

Carlisle looked calm, but the stiff set of his jaw indicated that he was very upset about whatever was just said. Esme, standing beside him, looked like she was quickly losing her patience with the situation. I didn't know what to think about that, as Esme was normally the last to ever get upset about anything. I then moved my gaze to Jasper to find him concentrating very hard at, what I could only assume to be, keeping everyone calm. Edward, who was standing slightly in front of Jasper, almost as if he were protecting him, looked calm as ever, if not slightly stiff. Emmet, surprisingly enough, was holding a yelling Rosalie back as she began to move angrily at Sam. Every single one of them had black eyes.

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