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After making sure the Athena Parthenos is secure with Leo and Piper, Jason flies down to help his friends. Hazel's sobbing greets him. Moments later, Annabeth and Percy rise from her shadow. They collapse into each other, breathing hard. Percy turns below and gazes upon the pit leading into Tartarus. Jason can feel its evil energy, even from here.

"What happened?" Jason asks. "Where is Nico?"

Percy looks at him with watery eyes, breathing hard. The son of Poseidon can't get the words out. He turns back to the chasm and screams, " Nico !" in a chorus with Hazel. Annabeth slumps against him and joins. He can see Nico dangling over the edge of Tartarus, alone. Jason realizes Nico, through whatever means, is taking Annabeth and Percy's place. He's surrendering to Tartarus again in their stead.

Every doubt and apprehension Jason had about Nico before that dissipates. And in that moment, a stupid thought enters Jason's head. He has seconds to act. He looks at the ship above them, thinking of Piper and Leo. Jason holds them fond in his thoughts. He directs his attention to Nico, who has begun slipping, and descends into the pit.

Jason is not sure what he's trying to do. He knows Nico is near death. He knows Nico has been through enough, even by demigod standards. What he doesn't know is the extent and nature of the influence Nico has over him. The way he hung limp in Jason's arms when he finally freed him from that wretched jar hurt his heart, hurt his head. He was on the verge of some memory, some unspoken vow , demanding he protect the son of Hades. Jason slams into Nico and loops his arms around the boy, wheezing. The wind becomes thick and heavy and starts to work against him. This was a very bad, very stupid idea. Jason can hardly breathe.

Nico's yelling something at him, trying to wriggle free. Jason won't let him. He can't. He has to get them both out of here. He's strong enough, he can do this, he's already rising and he thinks, We can make it out of here okay and he can't wait to laugh at the shocked look on Leo and Piper's faces--

--And the wind is gone and they're falling.

Jason can't breathe. The winds have never left him. They're always nipping his ears, his heels, giving a cheerful boost to his powerful stride. They're his freedom. The wind is gone and hot smoke fills his lungs. Helplessness, fear, overwhelms him. All he can do is pull Nico close to him and take a deep breath as they plunge into hell below.

He wrestles with the air, straining to find the winds, to use them in his favor. Their descent begins to slow. Amazed, Jason faces Tartarus, rising to meet them. He can see water below them. Thick, red mist surrounds everything. It burns Jason's eyes the faster they fall. "Not the river," Nico whispers. Jason takes a sharp turn to the side, his last movement before they hit the earth.

Their legs hang half in the river, and a sense of dread and hopelessness overcomes Jason. He wants nothing more than to sink into the murky depths below. He can hear voices calling him from beneath the surface. He tries to regain some semblance of control over his mind and body, still reeling from the fall.

Nico untangles himself from Jason and somehow pulls him from the edge of the river and further up the bank. They lie there, heaving and panting. The rock beneath hands his uncomfortable, sharp and warm.

This was a really bad idea.

Nico seems to echo his sentiments, glaring at Jason as soon as he's caught his breath. He tries to form words, looks close to screaming, and finally settles on a simple question relayed through clenched teeth, "Why did you do that?"

Jason rasps a sigh.

The son of Hades continues, "If you had gone for Percy and Annabeth--all three of you--"

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