• T W E N T Y - S I X •

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Natalia sat at the edge of the bed processing the whole day and in an admist she found herself as a criminal. She ruined Ashton. The guy had done nothing but protected her. He has tried to be in shoes of Nicholas but the problem was he is not Nicholas. He is Ashton. From day one till now she found herself settling in his life. Happy to be precise.

But was she not cheating her dead lover by giving someone else his space. Ashton had made her way into her heart but she can't give him that space. Maybe these hormones are provoking but she can't love anyone else than Nicholas. She can't give herself to anyone other than Nicholas. Ashton is her guardian but no, she can't bring up to the point of giving the space already reserved by Nicholas.

The reality was Nicholas was no more and Ashton's touch let alone can do wonders to her body like no one ever did. Today the kiss was fierce. She melted herself in the kiss, after their marriage this was the first intimate kiss till now and it did nothing but left her craving for more.

His touch bowled away her senses to think and react. She needed to be away from him or else she won't be able to resist the man. He was charming, handsome like some greek god. He was exactly what she had read in all those romance novel and all what she wanted in her man. But he was not her man just a guardian who is nothing but an angel in her life saving her from all the chaos of this cruel world. She need to get away from him to keep herself in check and love only one guy Nicholas.

Whenever she looked in his eyes there was a storm or the calmness before the storm. She could never read above this. He was still a mystery to her and his life was so irrational no sentiments towards anyone just for her. Maybe he didn't feel anything, maybe the kid or the human inside has died or maybe he is just too smart to depicer his feelings, hide it from everyone. The mask he wears is like the second skin. She feels like she has never seen the actual Ashton. Who was he??

Her trail of thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. She silently prayed it's not Ashton and much to her luck it was Xavier. The very first thing she did after entering home was connecting her phone to a charger. She didn't wanted another fight between them due to her phone not being connected.

She cursed Xavier he was indeed a devil. Today was going to be a happy day but he told she wasn't there in college and then her phone was off and then Ashton was angry. Last few days she has just forgotten about her previous life all she knew about her identity was Natalia Ashton Cross. That's it. She was living happily and she indeed forgot about Nicholas but then memories like flood rush through her brain and made her feel guilty.

The phone again rang snapping her back to the world from her imagination and guilt. She just wasn't in a mood to talk but then if Xavier calls Ashton on her not picking up the call he might just get more angry and top of all worried, groaning loudly picked up the call as of no other option was left.

"Women what took you so long??" he said from the other end irritation laced in his voice

"Why did you call??" she asked even she was irritated he ruined her plans

"Well, remember we go to college and I joined college cause of you so if next time your not coming let me know beforehand" he snapped at her

"What ever." she just shrugged it off. She didn't wanted to fight, she was in no mood to do so. There were many things left to figure out instead of fighting like kids

"The college is going on a field trip next week for ten days so please Queen Elizabeth do come to college" he said and cancelled the call.

She just heard the line went off, her mind still on Ashton and the morning kiss. The kiss played like a rewind tape in her mind and how his hand grasp his ass and pull her towards his erection. The thought gave her gitters. She wanted to feel him and wanted him to feel every inch of her but it was forbidden. He was her guardian and she only loves Nicholas. Or so she thought.

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