• T H I R T Y - O N E •

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Natalia stood in the balcony of the mansion staring at the scenery in front of her. The garden of the house was so big and deep. All kind of flowers and trees were planted in the graden. Infact it was big enough to be a jungle. The spring season had arrived the flowers started to turn pink giving away a mesmerizing look.

She breathed heavily as she saw Ashton and his father on opposite sides of the garden. From where she could see Ashton didn't wanted any eye contact with his father while his father tried to talk to him. He's never going to change she thought in defeat

Later the night they had their dinner together while the ladies talked about everything and nothing and laughed out loud on the other hand Ashton was quite enjoying the view in front of him.

His carefree Natalia.

"Let's head to the game room we have some amazing 'Chinese Ghost Adventures' games" Allesia suggested

"Wow!! Let's go" Natalia crippled happily but Ashton stopped her by holding her hand

"Your not going anywhere we are going to the bedroom" He said in a demanding tone while both the ladies just made sad faces

"Ash please" she used her puppy dog eyes

"Nooooo!!" he confirmed and turned his face away


"Ashton your so mean you didn't let me spend time with your family" Natalia crippled sitting on the bed turning her face away from him

"Natalia baby...." he coooed her but she pushed him away

"Don't baby me Ash" she pulled herself away from him and went and stood at the window still angry

"I thought we were going to spend time together" he whispered in her ear and encircled his arms around her waist

"But...." she was cut by her heavy breaths as Ashton travled his kisses from her shoulder to the crook of her neck

"I love you..." Ashton whispered in her neck and suck the sensitive area around there.

Natalia moaned as his assault increased on her neck and his hands started to move upwards to her breasts. She wanted him to touch her at places no one has ever touched. She wanted to feel things she had imagined had been told all her life but never experienced.

Ashton wanted to navigate every part every inch of her body. He wanted to mark every inch of her as his but he needs to take it slow. He didn't wanted her to get scared he wanted her to feel everything and nothing yet feel only him. He wanted her first time so beautiful that she remembers it all her life. Natalia saw his father going out of the house with his briefcase and white doctor coat.

"Ashton...." she called out his name

"Hmmm...." he was engrossed in her neck her scent was intoxicating yet allure

"Is your dad a doctor??" she asked

Suddenly he came to a hault and hugged her tightly. Not feeling his lips on her neck she opened her eyes and saw him thinking about something deeply. His eyes held pain and regret at the same time.

She whispered his name softly "Ashton" grabbing his attention. The minute she said his name all his pain -regret was turned into peace. She was his peace.

"Why do you hate your father??" she suddenly asked the always nagging question. He instantly left her and move to the side of the window looking outside of the window not meeting her eyes

"Ashton I'm asking something why do you hate him so much?? Why does it pain you to come at this place?? Why don't you just talk and solve the matter??" she asked him all the questions nagging her but he kept mum not even a single reply was given to her. She asked again and again but he didn't even utter a word.

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