• F O R T Y ( E P I L O G U E ) •

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A n E p i l o g u e

Natalia gazed the stars while she stood at the balcony of their house, their house seems so unreal to her. Almost a year ago she was purchased by a devilishly handsome billionaire and later married the most charismatic man in the world. It all happened a year ago. This year if someone asks how did it go she'll be happily saying it 'this year was full of surprises, she found love, life, family, and freedom'

Almost three months back the verdict was given and a lot of gossips were made, the media didn't give up an ounce back to ruin her life and her reputation but she never knew she could be this strong but it turns out she is more strong then she ever believed.

The person who gave her courage was none other than Ashton David Cross, while his name itself can bring back the blush on her cheeks. If someone would have told her that she is going to fall in love with the blue eye billionaire she would have laughed it off but finally, she has come to the realization of her love. Although his grandmother and mother didn't accept her anymore and treat her like a stranger still she has her man and there are always possibilities of good things. She'll wait for those possibilities.

she felt arms encircle around her waist she knew the possessor, past three months, were heaven and all her life many more heavenly nights are yet to come "Bed is not the same without you" she hears him murmur in her ears smiling she allows wet kisses all her neck

"I love you"

"I love you more"


"You know I'm still confused how did it happen?" Natalia gave a pointed look to Gracy while Xavier chuckled

"You know cops can be con man too" Gracy replied while Natalia's forehead creased in confusion

"Alright, I'll leave you, ladies, alone in the kitchen and watch out for my bro" Xavier referred to Ashton and left the ladies in the kitchen.

It's been three months to their freedom but still has a lot of impact on their life mostly Natalia while Gracy is away from the media she has just re-started her life, a fresh start. It was difficult to start afresh she didn't have any valid documents and no good qualifications to find a decent job in New York. At first, she started working as a waitress in a local bar later Ashton offered her a job as his assistant purpose Cedric is still in Hospital. It's temporary until Cedric comes back.

Gracy was grateful to Ashton he has given her freedom, a new life and even supported and helped her as well she owed him a lot, a lot more than she expected. Natalia's life wasn't at ease though she went to college to continue her studies students kept staring, whispering and some guys did misbehave with her. Ashton then decided she takes another year off and with another university resume her studies.

Life was coming back to normal, there were fights, love, romance and a little bit of possessiveness but it was good. She was feeling the sweetness of marriage.

Cedric woke up from the coma a month back but till that time their friendship was all twisted, noting was the same March-Austin fiasco happened which led to rifts between Aaron and Austin, Aaron and Allen, March and Aaron, March and Natalia. Years-long friendship was on the brink of getting destroyed and turn into dust but Ashton was keeping them constant steady even when they didn't want to be.

Aaron left New York, he was recently in Italy while Austin took over the business and trying to bring back the lost reputation, Allen went to New Zealand with Allison taking over Wittgenstein business. The boys weren't in contact with each like they used to be in the past, only Ashton was the one who used to be in touch with everyone tracking everyone's whereabouts.

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