• T W E N T Y - E I G H T •

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Natalia entered the room with breakfast in her hands. It was her first step towards him, at least she can make him happy, trying won't kill anyone. Yesterday night she re-read Nicholas letter and, in that letter, he clearly indicated Natalia to move on with Ashton. She doesn't know till what time she read his latter and how many times but the letter only said one thing Nicholas is never coming back and Ashton is her new life. She should at least give him try and workout what's building between them. The feelings occurring to her are the sign that there is no going back once she took this step.

Taking a deep breath, she took hold of her thoughts and her abnormally beating heart. As she walked ahead in the room she found him.

Ashton sitting at the edge of the bed with his head thrown in his hands. He was trying to massage his forehead it was hurting him too much. The after effects of alcohol for sure.

The sound of her heels made him turn his head sideways and look at her, she stood still on her step and made eye contact. Her legs started to melt under his gaze, now that she has started to not ignore her new upcoming feelings for him his only glance made every strand of her body rise in attention. She gulped her saliva nervousness was on her toes. Still she walked ahead and gave a warm morning smile to which he looked at her baffled on sudden change.

Ashton was confused on what new now Natalia was doing. Early morning giving him a warm morning smile isn't like daily Natalia he sees. Daily morning, she gets ready for her college wishes him good morning, they have some fun chit chat some about his office or her college or just plain breakfast where she is always nagging about bacon or lotus. But today something was different she giving him smile and walking carefully with steady steps, was he day dreaming or alcohol was till on his mind. Alcohol was making those images he was convinced but Natalia said something which made him shell shocked.

"I cooked breakfast for you" she said and kept the food beside him on the bed. Ashton just looked at her shell shocked he couldn't believe she herself did that for him. What was changed??

"You didn't have to" suddenly he was back to his cold behaviour. Her words of yesterday rang in his head. Her words pierced his heart. He needs to keep all his emotions in check or else the women will drive him crazy. She can't love him back and he has accepted it. But that fluctuated heart doesn't listen and all his decisions goes into well once he sees her and the hope of having her one day just comes back like a pool of water.

"I thought you will like it" she said trying to overcome her embarrassment. He was cold and rude but she made him like that and now that she has done the damage only she can repair it. Even if it hurts she has to at least give each other a chance.

"Okay...." thats all he said neither did he taste food nor look at her. He got up and removed his clothes from the shack of clothes and entered the bathroom. Natalia gulped her saliva and stood there controlling her tears. Yesterday she over did it. Maybe she has hurt him beyond repair. She needs to get the old Ashton back and she will.

She took out a yellow sticking note out of her bag and wrote 'will you come and pick me up after college and spend some time together?' she stuck the note on the breakfast tray and left the room. On her way to the main door she asked lotus not to cook anything today. Lotus was crying badly in the kitchen today Natalia cooked breakfast instead of him and that broke his heart. He was wailing more when Natalia said no food whole day. Lotus cursed Natalia umptieth time for stealing her job and place.

Aston read the note and was bewildered. Should he be happy or sad. Here he was trying to stay away for once he thought this would work and now the women is asking to spend some quality time together. Like how many more shades of Natalia are left to seen by him. The women never cease to amaze him.


He ate the delicious breakfast like the last meat on the planet and savoured each and every morsel he ate. He was trying to figure out what was happening but whatever it was he was happy. For once in life he thought god was on his side. Like for better though.

Natalia sat with Xavier in the class clearly distracted on what would be Ashton's reaction, will he come or not? She just could do was hope that he would come. A small part of her said he won't she has hurted him a lot. But the bigger part said he will. He loves her more than anything in this world he will come. The love for her will make him come.

On the other hand Xavier was angry with her for not coming yesterday and even cancelling the call even when he was still on the call. Xavier with a red angry face sat beside her not uttering a single word. He studied her actions today, she was distracted and constantly again and again checking her phone. What was wrong?

"everything all right Natalia, your making me worry? Did your mother do something?" he asked she looked at him confused at first and then smiled

"No!! I'm just waiting" he huffed trying to ignore the morning hurt

"waiting for what?" things were getting really confused with Natalia now he thought

"For your friend to just to call me and say he will come" she said and it changed his mood. what was happening he was ecstatic to know

"come on who??" he teased raising an eyebrow

"Yuck! You dirty mind" she slapped his arm and blushed "come to pick me up today after college" she filled his head with information and he smiled

"Your trying to give him a chance"

"ummm.......yes" she blushed and tried to concentrate in the class but her mind was somewhere else. Xavier poked her arm and she just pushed him away

"I need details tomorrow" he whispered and she blushed like a tomato

A/N: Hello Lovies!!! update his here hope you enjoy reading it. like it enjoyed writing it. The story is going to get cliche cause romance is gonna start with our #AsLia please guys if you like the book please share it. It would help me increase my reads and more people will get to read my book.

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